Inspirational Women

Angie Pears

Angie has been instrumental in embedding and positioning Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at the heart of the University’s activities and strategy. The energy and passion that Angie demonstrates has meant that EDI is considered in senior leadership conversations and decision making. 

Angie is the perfect example for how you should compose yourself in the workplace, and sets a fantastic example to others on how we should all respect and treat each other. She is passionate and leads with integrity. Angie has a desire to make the University a better place for all members of our community. She engages with everyone, listens and hears issues and finds practical ways to make things happen while being supportive to everyone, whoever they are and whatever their role. 

Angie has a way of making you feel good every time you talk to her, and has a very strong, positive spirit about her, even when managing something difficult. She exudes drive, enthusiasm, commitment and passion, which motivates others to make a difference, and she has a positive and well-regarded presence.

Seeing her achieve all that she has, has helped me to develop the confidence to believe everything is possible. Her positivity and energy whatever the situation, has indirectly influenced my own behaviour to stop and look at things in a different more constructive way.

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