Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG)
Building healthier well-connected communities

RCMG’s collaborative work with museums, galleries and heritage sites have demonstrated the capacity for cultural organisations to contribute towards more equitable, fair and inclusive societies, alongside revealing their immense potential to build healthier and more well-connected communities.
Avoiding a medical and deficit model, so often associated with health and wellbeing agendas, RCMG’s research reveals the exciting potential within all museums, whatever their size and capacity, to positively impact issues and agendas beyond the cultural sector by gathering robust evidence of the impact of projects, and focusing on user groups and participants.
(Code: R: = Research, E: = Event, P: = Publication)
R: Encountering the Unexpected, April 2016 - March 2018
P: Unexpected Encounters: How museums nurture living and ageing well (PDF, 10,000KB) (RCMG 2018)
E: Museums and an Ageing Population, March 2016
R: Museums, Health and Wellbeing in the East Midlands, October 2012 - June 2014
P: Mind, Body, Spirit: How museums impact health and wellbeing (PDF, 5,845KB) (RCMG 2014)