Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology


Upcoming events

  • Midlands Biophysics Network Meeting 17 September, Henry Wellcome Building. Register for the event.
  • Meet the new PhD students 27 September, Henry Wellcome Building.


We share updates on our research Friday lunchtimes and welcome external speakers Wednesday lunchtimes. PhD students and postdocs have lunch with external speakers after their seminar. Learn more about the seminars.

Research discussion forums

We get together monthly to discuss potential collaborations, ask for input into grant applications and discuss.

Scientific Advisory Board

There is a Scientific Advisory Board visit Monday 27 January 2025, with a poster session and a chance to hear from colleagues in the morning.

Past events

Research discussion forums

Many thanks to those who have hosted lively research discussion forums during the 23/24 academic year:

Midlands Innovation Electron Microscopy (MI-EM) Network

The inaugural meeting was held at Leicester in April 2024.

Dynamic Crystallography Conference 2023

Organised by Peter Moody and Hanna Kwon. This meeting was funded by a BBSRC international collaboration award.

Regulation through Chromatin Conference 2022 

Organised by a committee lead by Thomas Schalch. This meeting was funded by a BBSRC international collaboration award.

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