Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology


The Institute fosters a culture of research collaboration between its members and also facilitates external collaborations with national and international researcher organisations in order to tackle more challenging problems in science.



The Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray science (LINXS), based in Lund, Sweden has a mission to create international networks. LISCB is proud to be the first international (non-Swedish) partner to lead a theme to create a new international network on the topic of the Chemistry of Life. We organise networking activities and facilitate the preparation of new applications for research grant funding and beamtime at major facilities, such as MAX IV and the European Spallation Source.


LISCB are delighted to be part of AMBER, an EU/UKRI-funded postdoctoral fellowship programme. This involves a consortium of European institutes assembled to address key needs for biological imaging over length scales from molecular, through cellular, to tissue, organ and organism levels of organisation. The programme supports a total of 47 postdoctoral fellows, of which 5 will be based full time in Leicester. Applications can be made for these posts by talented early-career researchers. Browse current projects.


The Midlands CryoEM facility

LISCB is proud to host the Midlands Regional Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility, a collaborative partnership between the Universities of Leicester, Birmingham, Nottingham and Warwick. This facility houses a ThermoFisher Titan Krios electron microscope, dedicated freezing laboratory and bespoke computing cluster. The equipment in our CryoEM facility is available for hire to internal and external users (industrial or academic).

Midlands Innovation Electron Microscopy (MI-EM) Network

The Midlands region is recognised for its strength in Electron Microscopy. To bring together the experts in the region Matthew Piggott (Nottingham) and Emma Hesketh (Leicester) have established a new network. The inaugural meeting was held at Leicester in April 2024.

The Midlands Biophysics Network

The Midlands Biophysics Network has restarted with an event. In the past, the Network was instrumental in conceiving the bid for the Midlands Regional Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility.

East Midlands Interstitial Lung Disease Research Alliance (EMIRA)

The East Midlands Interstitial Lung Disease Research Alliance is led by Bibek Gooptu.

MRC - AIM Doctoral Training Partnership

Some of the LISCB PhD students have obtained funding competitively from the Advanced Interdisciplinary Models DTP, funded by the MRC between three partners – Universities of Birmingham, Leicester and Nottingham. Each student is supervised by academics in more than one university, which enhances and often kick-starts collaborations.

BBSRC - MIBTP Doctoral Training Programme

Some of the LISCB PhD students have obtained funding competitively from the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership, a partnership between the Universities of Warwick, Leicester, Aston and Harper Adams, co-funded by BBSRC and the universities.


Institute of Precision Health

The collaboration with the translational medicine academics across the University of Leicester enhances Leicester’s excellence in biomedical research. This is being driven by Bibek Gooptu.

Learn more about the Institute of Precision Health.

Research centres within the College of Life Sciences


There is a long history of collaborations, joint events and overlapping membership between LISCB and LEMID.

Centre for Phage Research

The Centre for Phage Research and LISCB have been collaborating on several joint funding bids to understand the unique proteins found in phages.


Philip Ash and Patricia Rodriguez Macia have joint funding to collaborate with researchers in Diamond. Hanna Kwon supervises a joint PhD student.

Artificial Intelligence

We collaborate to explore overlapping interests in AI with School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (life and health sciences) and Biomedical Engineering Research Group (BERG).

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