
Privacy Notice: Postgraduate Teaching Experience Survey (PTES)

Information you need to know

Postgraduate Teaching Experience Survey (PTES) is a national survey of postgraduate taught student experience. The Business Intelligence and Reporting Team is the survey organiser and is part of the University of Leicester and manages your data submitted through Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Online Surveys to PTES. PTES is nationally administered by Advance HE. 

The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for the information that you submit to PTES. Jisc Online Surveys and Advance HE are the Data Processors for the information that you submit to PTES.

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding the information you provide within the survey. 

The University’s Data Protection Officer is: Parmjit Singh Gill, Data Protection Officer, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH. Email: dpo@leicester.ac.uk

What information are we collecting?

Your student number and institutional email address will be shared with JISC. They will not have the ability to identify individuals from this data. We will also provide demographic information alongside your student number and email but JISC and Advance HE will be unable to associate this information with individuals. We will also capture your personal views through survey responses. 

Why are we collecting your data?

PTES is run by the University of Leicester on behalf of and in partnership with Advance HE and Jisc. No personal data will be collected apart from your views on your postgraduate taught experience at Leicester.

How will we use this data?

Demographic details are supplied to Advance HE on an anonymous basis to provide for benchmarkable analysis for different demographic groups. When results are analysed with the University no link will be made between responses and individual students. In the final analysis, any single data point with fewer than five responses in aggregate will be suppressed. This ensures individual responses cannot be deduced where a demographic filter is applied.

What is the legal basis for processing this data? 

In respect of the processing of limited personal data that will be shared via the JISC platform (your student number and institutional email), the following conditions (legal basis) for processing from the UK GDPR apply:

  • Article 6(1) (a) Participants have given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes
  • Article 6(1) (e) Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority 
  • Article 9(2)(a) Explicit consent
  • Article 9(2)(j) Processing is necessary for research purposes

If we are sharing your data with others who are we sharing it with? 

The University’s final results will be used in aggregate-level benchmarking reporting to measure differences across the sector.

How long we will process your data for? 

All data is retained in line with the University of Leicester Data Retention Policy and all respondents may withdraw their consent at any time and response data will be deleted (UK GDPR Article 17).

What are your rights and how to enforce them?

In respect of our legal basis of Consent you have the right to withdraw this consent. To withdraw your consent please contact the survey organiser at student-surveys@le.ac.uk.

You have the right to be informed regarding how your personal data will be used (which is met in providing you with this notice). 

You also have the right of rectification, where you can ask us to correct inaccurate factual data held on your student record.

If you wish to know more of your rights or to exercise any of your Data Protection rights , please contact the University’s Information Assurance Service by email ias@leicester.ac.uk.

How to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office?

The Information Commissioner can be contacted on:
Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.
Tel: 0303 123 1113.
Email contact can be made by accessing www.ico.org.uk 

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