Widening Participation team privacy notice for students
The Widening Participation Team is part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.
This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information.
What information are you collecting?
This privacy policy sets out why the University of Leicester’s Widening Participation team collects your data and your learners’ data; how it collects it; and what it does with it once it has been collected. This policy relates specifically to information held by the Widening Participation team.
The information stored and processed by the Widening Participation team may include any of the following, including ‘special category’ data:
- Identifying details (including your name, gender, date of birth, student ID number, ethnicity)
- Contact details (including your address, email address, mobile telephone number, School/college/training provider)
- Your personal details (including DBS certificate status, number and data of certificate, hours for work restrictions, T-shirt size, car registration, languages spoken)
- Your emergency contact details if relevant
- Dietary requirements/additional needs (to enable us to cater for your needs and support your engagement with the placement or job role)
- Medical details, including disabilities (to enable us to keep you healthy and safe on our events)
- Information about your time at School, College or University
- Information about your time at University (year of study, course, involvement in clubs & societies and module details)
- A photograph of you for identification purposes
- Communications sent to you by the Widening Participation team or received from you
- Details of shifts, training sessions or placements you have undertaken with the team (including details of disciplinary action and references provided to employers)
- Information about your parent/carer experience of HE
Why are you collecting my data?
If you apply for a job within the Widening Participation team (Student Ambassador, Student Representative, Summer School Mentor, Ementor, Academic Assignment Tutor) or for a placement in a school as part of your academic course you will be asked to complete an application form.
This information allows us to assess your application and if successful to create a record of you on our database to enable us to carry out our commitments to you as an employer or placement coordinator, and to comply with our Safeguarding Policy to keep you safe.
How will you use this data?
The data collected by the Widening Participation team will be used to enable us to carry out our commitments to you as an employer or placement coordinator and to comply with our Safeguarding Policy to keep you safe.
What is the legal basis for processing the data?
Your data will be processed under the legal basis:
- Consent - This is ‘explicit consent’ to cover the ‘special category’ data collected
- Contract
If you are sharing my data with others, who are you sharing it with?
Your data is held in one place by the Widening Participation team in a password protected file which is controlled to make sure that only those people that need to see it have access to it.
We will only share your data with anyone outside of the Widening Participation team in the following situations:
- We will share your data with UNITEMPS to confirm recruitment, job requisitions and role-related queries:
- to facilitate a school placement we will share your name, email address, DBS certificate number and module name with the school you are placed at and your University department
- to facilitate a paid shift in a school we will share your name with the school
- a Safeguarding situation.
We do not share your data outside of the EEA.
How long will you process the data for?
- Unsuccessful applicants – we will retain your data for a maximum of 6 months from the end of the recruitment period
- Successful applicants – we will retain your data for a maximum of 6 years from the end of your role.
What are my rights and how can I enforce them?
Please find below the rights you have regarding the data that you have provided:
- Right to withdraw consent
- Right to be informed
- Right of access
- Right of rectification
- Right to erasure
- Right to data portability
How do I complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office?
The Information Commissioner can be contacted on:
- Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF
- 0303 123 1113
- ICO website