
Graduation and degree information

Your personal data, including your full name and course information will be published in the degree programme, which is given to all graduands, unless you ask us to omit your details from the programme when you register. 

We also share information relating to the graduation ceremony with third parties involved in the ceremonies, including photographers and videographers. 

Graduation ceremonies are streamed live on the internet and are also made available online afterwards.

Footage may be used by the University for media publications and advertising. All graduands and guests should be aware that they may feature in footage of the degree ceremony.

By registering to take part in your graduation ceremony and by requesting guest tickets, you are giving permission for your image to be recorded.

For PhD and other Doctoral graduands who attend a ceremony, your thesis title will be read out when your name is announced in your ceremony. By registering to take part in your graduation ceremony you are giving permission for your thesis title to be read out.

All students automatically become members of the University’s Alumni Association upon graduation.

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