Leicester Medical School

Academic and teaching staff

Academic staff

Professor Liz Anderson Professor and Lead for Patient Safety and Interprofessional Education esa1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Justin Bice Associate Professor and Director iMSc Medical Research and Lead for Intercalation jb765@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Adam Bonfield Clinical Fellow in Simulation ab798@le.ac.uk
Dr Hannah Bonfield Lecturer and Lead Teaching Fellow hrb16@le.ac.uk
Professor Rodger Charlton Professor and Primary Care Lead rcc16@le.ac.uk
Dr Suzanne Dawson Lead Admissions Tutor sld16@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Steve Ennion Associate Professor and Director of Phase 1 and Senior Tutor se15@leicester.ac.uk
Professor Simon Gay Head of School simon.gay@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Jane Goodfellow Associate Professor and Admissions Tutor jeg26@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Mark Hamilton Associate Professor and Head of Year 2 mh300@leicester.ac.uk
Dr John Harrison Associate Professor jh338@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Ellen Hatch Lecturer - Head of Year 1, Co Lead Immune and ASU Tutor eh277@le.ac.uk
Dr Jeremy Howick Centre Director for Empathic Healthcare jh815@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Ronald Hsu Associate Professor rth4@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Jade Isted Lecturer and CTF Lead jvi2@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Steve Jacques Associate Professor and Head of Anatomy and HTA Designated Individual, Nervous System Unit Lead sjj22@le.ac.uk
Dr Richard Knox Associate Professor and Co-Director of Phase 1 richard.knox@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Jamanda Liddicott Lecturer and Reproductive Unit Lead jl788@leicester.ac.uk
Mr Steve Malcherczyk Lecturer and Lead for Medical Ethics and Law sjm32@leicester.ac.uk
Dr John Mitcheson Reader/Associate Professor jm109@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Michael Mulheran Lecturer  
Dr Lisa Quinn Associate Professor and Deputy Programme Lead for MSc Clinical Education lmq3@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Michael Routledge Associate Professor and Assessment Lead (CQMU) mnr9@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Rachel Stanbrook Lecturer and Phase 1 Assessment Lead rks34@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Tony Taylor Lecturer aht13@leicester.ac.uk
Professor Kate Williams Professor kate.williams@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Caroline Woodley Associate Professor and Head of Assessment caw41@leicester.ac.uk

Clinical Academic

Dr Samuel Adcock GP Admissions Tutor and Clinical Lecturer for Medicine (Foundation Year) sda12@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Raj Babla CHDD Tutor and Deputy CHDD Lead rhb21@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Adam Bonfield Clinical Fellow in Simulation ab798@leicester.ac.uk
Professor Rodger Charlton Professor and Primary Care Lead rcc16@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Paramdip Chohan Clinical Educator psc30@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Andrew Cook GP Specialist Educator, Year 5 Primary Care Lead and Lecturer and Module Co-lead for Medicine Foundation Year ac525@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Lucy Cutler Clinical Skills Lead lc204@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Debasish Das Associate Professor and Lead Clinical Academic Tutor dd216@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Elena Dickens Clinical Fellow in Simulation ejed1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Angie Doshani Associate Professor and Head of Year 3 ad468@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Mhorag Duff Year 4 Lead for Written Assessment and Pastoral Support Tutor md212@leicester.ac.uk
Mr Leyshon Griffiths Associate Professor and Head of Year 4 and Associate Professor/Consultant Urological Surgeon trlg1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Emma Hayward Senior GP Clinical Educator ect6@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Khalid Karim Associate Professor kk55@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Rich Kitchen SSC Lead rk421@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Bharathy Kumaravel Associate Professor in Public Health bk162@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Sapna Ladani Year 4 OSCE Lead and Undergraduate Co-Lead for Cancer Care and Haematology sl691@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Navin Leanage HEE Outreach Project Lead nl176@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Fiona Miall Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School fmm15@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Chandra Ohri Director of Clinical Studies co137@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Sophie Parkinson Director of Student Support and Snr ClinEd sp502@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Barbara Powell Associate Professor and Head of Year 5 bp162@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Manisha Ramphul Year 3 OSCE Lead mr441@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Krupa Samani GP Educator and CHDD Tutor krupa.samani@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Christopher Sanders Clinical Educator cjs8@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Shameq Sayeed Director of International Teaching Partnerships (JEP) shameq.sayeed@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Shireen Shaffu CHDD Tutor and Deputy CHDD Lead ss1409@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Binta Shapiro Lecturer and Module Co-lead for Medicine Foundation Year binta.shapiro@leicester.ac.uk
Dr David Steadman Clinical Academic Tutor ds705@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Smile Veeravu Paliath CHDD Tutor and Clinical Academic Tutor svp9@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Chris Vinall Year 5 OSCE Lead cv87@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Andrew Ward Associate Professor and CHDD Lead aw139@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Chris Williams Senior GP Clinical Educator and Head of Quality cdw4@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Rachel Winter Associate Professor in Empathic Healthcare and Medical Education rw205@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Richard Wright Associate Professor in Medical Education, UHL EM Block Lead and Academic Lead for Year 5 Rw239@leicester.ac.uk

Lead teaching fellows  

Dr Hannah Bonfield Lecturer and Lead Teaching Fellow hrb16@le.ac.uk
Dr Debbie Mitcheson Lecturer and Lead Teaching Fellow dm309@le.ac.uk

GP specialist educators

Dr Samuel Adcock GP Admissions Tutor and Lead for Medicine (Foundation Year) sda12@le.ac.uk
Dr Andy Cook Senior GP Specialist Educator – Year 5 Primary Care Lead ac525@le.ac.uk
Dr Emma Hayward Senior GP Clinical Educator ect6@le.ac.uk
Dr Maria Keerig Senior GP Clinical Educator, Integration for Clinical Application Lead and Medical Electives Lead for final year LMS students mk270@le.ac.uk
Dr Chris Sanders GP Specialist Educator and Health Enhancement Programme Theme Lead cjs8@le.ac.uk
Dr Andy Ward Senior GP Clinical Educator aw139@le.ac.uk

Chongqing Medical University partnership (CQMU)

Dr Shameq Sayeed Director of International Teaching Partnerships (JEP) shameq.sayeed@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Joanne Opie
Deputy Director Joint Education Programme (China) and Programme Lead BClin Sci
Dr Michael Routledge Associate Professor and Assessment Lead (CQMU) mnr9@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Raj Babla Clinical Tutorial Programme Lead CQMU  rhb21@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Duha Alkhder Lecturer (CQMU) da317@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Saba Bawan Lecturer (CQMU) sbb22@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Grace Hawthorne Lecturer (CQMU) gf120@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Kim Hayer Lecturer (CQMU) kh275@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Bo Hou Lecturer (CQMU) bh240@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Claire Lidstone Lecturer (CQMU and Anatomy) cl442@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Raja Raja Idris Lecturer (CQMU) rkri1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Lucy Taylor Lecturer (CQMU) lt239@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Tieng Toh Lecturer (CQMU) tyt7@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Aqeela Zahra Lecturer (CQMU) az151@le.ac.uk
Dr Elina Akalestou Lecturer (Cardiovascular and Renal Precision Medicine) ea355@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Philomena Akpoveso Lecturer (GI and CPT) oopa1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Victoria Balasubramanian Lecturer (MEH) gb314@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Reshma Chauhan Lecturer (Cardiovascular and Renal Precision Medicine) gf120@leicester.ac.uk
Professor Colin Hewitt Emeritus Professor (IMM) crah1@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Ricky Joshi Lecturer (Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine) rsj17@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Kate Kirk Lecturer (Public Health) kate.kirk@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Char Leung Lecturer (Public Health) ltc.leung@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Dan March Lecturer (Cardiovascular and Renal Precision Medicine) dsm12@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Hemant Mistry Lecturer (Head and Neck) hm412@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Katy Roach Lecturer (Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine) kmr11@leicester.ac.uk
Dr Zhanhan Tu Lecturer (MCBG) zhanhan.tu@leicester.ac.uk

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