History at Leicester

Previous research grants and projects

Dates active  Staff member Grant Project title 
Funding awarded
October 2020-September 2024 Professor Roey Sweet The Leverhulme Trust War, travel and cultural exchange: William Gell and the British in Iberia, 1750-1830 £222,380
October 2019 - September 2024 
Professor David Gentilcore 
European Research Council
WaterCultures: The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900
February 2022 - August 2024  East Midlands Oral History Archive Heritage Lottery Fund Sounds for the Future: Widening Access to the East Midlands Oral History Archive £249,087
May 2023 - April 2024 Professor Elizabeth Hurren Leverhulme Histories of Nobody: The Pauper Body in England and Wales, 1750 1914 £46,541
August 2021-January 2024  Dr Helen Metcalfe Wellcome Trust  A Healthy Approach to Grief and Loss in Late-Georgian Britain, c. 1760-1830 £177,775
September 2018-September 2023  Dr Toby Lincoln AHRC Post-War urban reconstruction in China, 1937-1958 - see the Post-war urban reconstruction in China website £200,818
September 2021 - August 2023  Dr Angela Muir British Academy Diversity, Identity and Social Change in South Wales, 1730-1830 £6,100
January 2022-June 2023  Professor Krista Cowman AHRC A [Socially Isolated] Room of One's Own - Women Writing Lockdown £21,959

April 2020 - March 2023

Professor Kevin Schürer 
Economic and Social Research Council 
Britain's first demographic transitions: an integrated geography 
February 2018-January 2023  Professor Jo Story AHRC Worked in Stone (WiST): Completing the Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture - see the Worked in Stone website £54,880
2021-2023  Professor Elizabeth Hurren Midlands Innovation, Inclusive Transformation Fund The Imagined Village: A Digital Community of Dignity and Diversity £7,500
January 2020 - December 2022  Dr Richard Jones AHRC Enhancing UK flood resilience, past floods, present threats, future responses £25,010
June 2017 - October 2022 Dr Andrew Hopper AHRC Conflict, Welfare and Memory during and after the English Civil Wars, 1642 - 1710 £545,088
September 2019 - August 2022 Deborah Toner AHRC Alcohol, Race and Ethnicity: The United States, Mexico and the Wider World, 1845 - 1940 £191,976
April 2021 - July 2022  Professor Clare Anderson Arts and Humanities Research Council The Salvation Army's Imperial Settlements and Colonies, Australia and South Africa c. 1890-1939 £5,370
September 2018-July 2022 Professor Clare Anderson Economic and Social Research Council MNS Disorders in Guyana's Jails, 1825 to the present day £1,007,672
October 2021 - July 2022 Dr Kristy Warren The British Academy Seeking Charles Wotton: Before the Liverpool 'Race Riots' of 1919 £5,370
October 2021-April 2022 Dr Helen Foster Wellcome Trust ISSF Story Sharing: Developing a Wellbeing Approach to Gathering Midlife Narratives £8,688
December 2021 - March 2022 Dr Helen Foster ESRC IAA Menopaurus: Words Women Use to Talk About Menopause £3,688
March 2021 - March 2022 Professor Clare Anderson British Academy Colonial and Post-colonial History: enhancing knowledge, capacity and networks in the Caribbean, sub Saharan Africa and South Asia £9,856
January 2020 - January 2022  Dr Richard Butler  Arts and Humanities Research Council Church, State and Building of Ireland's South Coast Cities: Cork and Waterford, c.1935-1965 £199,919
January 2017 - December 2021  Professor Steven King  Wellcome Trust Institutional strategic support fund £45,000 
January 2019-December 2021  Prashant Kidambi The British Academy Princely Cities: Towards a New Urban History of South Asia, c. 1860-1960 £7,930
September 2018-November 2021 Dr Sally Horrocks Heritage Lottery Fund Unlocking Our Sound Heritage: Save our Sounds £528,924
September 2017 - 31 August 2021  Dr Kate Boehme Leverhulme Trust  Princely states in Britain India: rethinking the economics of empire, 1857-1947  £88,512
July 2018-June 2021  James Campbell The British Academy The death penalty in British Overseas Territories since 1965 £4,796
January 2020-May 2021  Helen Foster Heritage Lottery Fund Silence in the Archives: an oral history of menopause £10,000
December 2020 - March 2021  Dr Simon Dixon Arts and Humanities Research Council  Enhancing digital capability for library collections   £42,352
January 2018 - January 2021  Professor Steven King
Arts and Humanities Research Council
In Their Own Write
January 2018 - December 2020  Dr Luca Fenoglio 
Leverhulme Trust
A head for a tooth: violence in facist Italy's path to a Mediterranean empire
January 2018 - October 2020  Dr Alistair Kefford
British Academy
Commercial Property Development and the Remaking of British Cities 1950-2000
October 2016 - October 2019  Dr Sarah Goldsmith
Leverhulme Trust
Embodying the Aristocrat: A History of the Eighteenth-Century Elite Male Body
September 2018 - September 2019   Professor Jo Story  British Academy   Politics and script: Anglo-saxon influence at the Carolingian court  £51,216 
October 2016 - September 2019  Professor Jo Story
Leverhulme Trust
Insular Manuscripts AD 650-850: Network of Knowledge
August 2017 - July 2019   Dr Elizabeth T. Hurren  British Academy  The politician's child: growing up in the public eye, 1970-2017  £5,350
January 2018 - March 2019  Professor Clare Anderson  British Academy  History and Security Sector Reform: Crime and Punishment in British Colonial Guyana, 1814-1966 £45,545
October 2015 - October 2018   
Dr Richard Ansell

British Academy

Education, travel and family strategy in Britain and Ireland, c1650-1750 £244,103
October 2016 - September 2018   Dr Marianna Charountaki  The Kurdistan Regional Government  Kurdistan International Studies Unit   £250,000
September 2015 - September 2018  Dr Maeve Ryan
Leverhulme Trust
The British Empire and the Geopolitics of Human Rights
March 2013 - September 2018   Professor Clare Anderson  European Research Council The Carceral Archipelago: transnational circulations in global perspective, 1415-1960  €1.493m
August 2016 - July 2018  Dr Richard Jones   Leverhulme Trust Flood and Flow: Place-Names and the Changing Hydrology of River-Systems  £128,725
September 2016 - June 2018   
Mr Colin Hyde

Heritage Lottery Fund   A Post-War History of Leicester 1945-1962  £27,000
June 2013 - April 2018   Professor Andrew Hopper and Dr Julie Attard  Victoria County History Trust  Charnwood Roots  £384,513
April 2017-December2017  Dr Svenja Bethke  Society of Antiquaries London Clothing, fashion and transnational identities in Palestine/ Israel, 1880s-1960s £2,500
February 2016-December 2017   Mr James Moore   Arts and Humanities Research Council  Moore 'Preserving Egypt's Cultural Heritage'   £20,379
October 2014 – September 2017 
Dr Eureka Henrich 
Wellcome Trust 
Healthy Citizens? Migrant Identity and Constructions of Health in Postwar Australia 
April 2016 - May 2017  Dr Richard Butler Leicester City Council St Peter's Belgrave historic village church project £15,318
February 2012 - January 2017  Dr Elizabeth T. Hurren
Wellcome Trust
Disputed Bodies: Narratives of Medical Research in Europe, c. 1940s to 2001
October 2013 - September 2016    Dr Irina Marin  Leverhulme Trust   Fear Across Borders: Peasant Violence and Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe   £62,016
September 2013 -August 2016  Professor David Gentilcore   Economic and Social Research Council    Rough Skin: Maize, Pellagra and Society in Italy, 1750-1930  £430,234
March 2013 - March 2016  Professor Norman Housley  Leverhulme Trust  Reconfiguring the crusade in the fifteenth century: goals, agencies and resonances  £67,358
2011 - 2016    
Professor Pete King and Professor Elizabeth T. Hurren (Co-investigators)

Wellcome Trust  Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse  £839,092
January 2011 - January 2016  Professor Jo Story   Leverhulme Trust  The Impact of Diasporas on the Making of Britain: Evidence, Memories, Inventions  £1,290,707
October 2012 - September 2015  Dr Toby Lincoln British Academy The Habitable City: Chinese Urban History in a Global Context £29,680
February 2014 - February 2015  Professor Norman Housley Leverhulme Trust Crusading in the Fifteenth Century £41,323
September 2013 - December 2014   Dr Sally Horrocks Arts and Humanities Research Council  Our Place in the First World War  £20,085
October 2011 - October 2014   Dr Erika Hanna   Leverhulme Trust
Popular Photography and Camera Culture in Ireland 1922-2000
October 2011 - September 2014   Professor Simon Gunn
Leverhulme Trust  Motor Cities: Automobility and the Urban Environment in Nagoya, Japan, and Birmingham, England, 1955-1973
September 2011 - August 2014   Professor John Coffey  Arts and Humanities Research Council  A Scholarly Edition of Richard Baxter's Reliquiae Baxterianae  £40,046
June 2010 - May 2014   Professor Steven King
Wellcome Trust
Health Care in Public and Private  £60,998
May 2011 - April 2014  
Professor Steven King  Arts and Humanities Research Council
Pauper letters and petitions for poor relief in Germany and Great Britain, 1770-1914  
February 2011 - February 2014  
Dr Nadine Bhattacharya
Wellcome Trust  A coming of age story: Nationalist enterprise and the Indian pharmaceutical industry, 1900-1960  £171,087 
January 2012 - January 2014  Professor Kevin Schürer JISC  Digging Into Data Challenge £97,083
September 2012 - August 2013   Professor John Coffey Leverhulme Trust  British Abolitionists and Protestant Millennialism, 1770-1840 £35,441
September 2010 - August 2013 
Dr Peter Darby
British Academy
Heresy and Orthodoxy in the works of Bede
October 2009 - March 2013  Professor Clare Anderson  Economic and Social Research Council  Integrated Histories of the Andaman Islands   £46,090
October 2012 - January 2013   Dr Andrew Johnstone Arts and Humanities Research Council Internationalism, Ideology and the debate over US entry into World War II, 1937-41 £28,610
December 2009 - June 2012 
Professor Steven King   
Wellcome Trust  
Sickness, poverty and medical relief in England 1750-1850 
July 2009 - June 2012   Professor George Lewis
British Academy
Un-Americans: Ideological Dissent, Patriotic Subversion and Isolating the "Other" in the USA
February 2010 - January 2012  Professor Steven King Wellcome Trust Voices of the sick poor: the patients' experience of medical negligence under the New Poor Law £82,091
April 2008 - September 2011  Professor Keith Snell  Economic and Social Research Council    
Death and community in rural settlements: changing burial culture in small towns and villages, c. 1850-2007

July 2009 - April 2011  Dr Prashant Kidambi  Leverhulme Trust  Sport and the Imperial bond £43,707
September 2010 - January 2011  Professor John Coffey Arts and Humanities Research Council  'Let my People Go!': Anglo- American Liberation Theology from the Puritans to the Abolitionists £33,943
October 2007 - September 2010   Professor David Gentilcore Leverhulme Trust  New world plants in Italy, from observation to assimilation (1500-1850)  £112,364

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