School of Business


The greatest business leaders solve problems, make things simpler and see the best in people.

Our undergraduate courses are split into three subject areas: accounting and finance, economics, and business and management, and our modules are led by experts who’ve made their mark in the business world.

In your first year you’ll cover the basics of your course. You’re not expected to know exactly what direction you’ll take which is why we offer flexible first years in our subject areas. At the end of your first year you can change to another course in your subject area to make the most of your interests and strengths.  You'll also start to specialise your course by selecting option modules. You may even decide to study abroad or gain valuable experience with a year in industry between your second and final years. 

Available degrees


Economics BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: L120
Economic issues capture our attention on a daily basis. This degree lets you study them in detail and, along the way, learn how to apply your skills to real-world issues.

Economics and Accounting BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: LN16
Studied side-by-side, these two subjects give you the skills and knowledge needed to wrap your head around how companies work from both the inside and outside. This degree will hone your skills so you can find specialist roles out in the field.

Business Economics BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: LN11
In the world of business, success often hinges on decision-making that is founded on proper knowledge of economics and finance. By delving deep into modern economic analysis and ideas, you’ll discover what it takes to make these decisions.

Financial Economics and Banking BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: LN15
How does modern economic study relate to the banking system and financial markets? What role do financial systems play in global economics and how can we better understand their true impact? These are big questions, but you’ll break them down by studying the very fundamentals of economics.

Economics and Data Analytics BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: LL15
Economic issues are fascinating but also very complex.  The use of large datasets, together with insights from data science, can guide you through this complexity and give you an in-depth understanding of decision-making by governments, businesses and households.

Accounting and finance

Accounting BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: N400
As long as money makes the world go round, accounting skills will be in high demand. This degree takes your love of numbers to the next level, giving you the skills and expertise to work as an accountant in all kinds of industries.

Accounting and Finance BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: 72N7
Accounting and finance go together like money and banks. And studying them side-by-side will give you the skills and experience to work in areas such as professional accountancy, investment banking and financial management.

Finance BSc (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: N300
This professionally-orientated degree, taught by researchers and academics industry experience is designed to equip you with the confidence you need to succeed in a variety of roles in the finance sector.

Business and management

Human Resource Management BA (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: N600
As organisations are becoming increasingly complex, the role of human resource management has never been more vital. In this degree, you’ll study the factors that shape the way people work, and the skills you’ll need to become a great manager.

Business and Management BA (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: N200
How do globally-minded leaders develop agility and resilience, as well as the confidence, skills and knowledge to make a distinct and positive contribution in the world? This degree will provide key insights into such questions and many more as we educate you for a future as an excellent and inspiring manager.

Marketing BA (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: N500
Why do we love brands so much? How does the marketing of products, services and experiences impact our daily lives? In this degree, you’ll combine your studies of management with a strong focus on marketing.

Journalism and Marketing BA (with optional Year Abroad or Year in Industry)
3-4 years, full-time | UCAS code: P5N5
This degree combines both disciplines equally to ensure you have the creative skills necessary to craft a media message, whilst learning the principles of marketing that you can apply to a range of careers in journalism, media, marketing and the wider communications industry.

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