Research Centres


Amanda Berlan

Amanda Berlan headshotAmanda is an Associate Professor in Responsible Business. Her focus is on the ethics and sustainability of the cocoa/chocolate supply chain, with a specific interest in child labour and education.

Learn more about Dr Amanda Berlan

Matteo Ciccognani

Matteo Ciccongnani headshotMatteo Ciccognani is a Lecturer in Management and Organisation at the University of Leicester.

Learn more about Matteo Ciccognani

Ana Cristina Costa

Prof Ana Cristina CostaAna Cristina Costa is a Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Departmental Research Director at University of Leicester School of Business in the UK and a Visiting Professor at University of Valencia (Spain). Her research interests include trust in organizations, innovation and creativity at work, and applicant perspectives to digital HRM practices.

Learn more about Ana Cristina Costa

Elizabeth Cotton

Elizabeth Cotton headshotElizabeth Cotton is a researcher and educator in the fields of employment relations, people management and mental health at work.

Learn more about Elizabeth Cotton

Maria Karanika-Murray

Maria is a Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the School of Business. Her research focuses on well-being and performance, attempting to answer questions related to presenteeism, workplace culture, sustainable work, specific groups within the workforce, and organisational interventions. 

Learn more about Maria Karanika-Murray

Chenyiman Lou

Chenyiman Lou's research interests focus on the fields of education and labour market transitions, including how marginalised individuals navigate these domains and the narratives around those transitions and decisions. Chenyiman is also interested in career development both within and outside of the workplace, exploring how it can facilitate individuals' growth and adaptability in new professional environments, thus contributing to long-term sustainability.

Learn more about Chenyiman Lou

Kun Lu

Kun Lus headshotKun Lu is a PhD student at the University of Leicester with research focuses on circular economy financing and greenwashing for SME in the Chinese context.

Anthony O’Tierney

Anthony O'Tierney headshotAnthony O’Tierney has worked at the University of Leicester since 2013, where he has taught across a range of subjects in accounting, finance and management.

Learn more about Anthony O’Tierney

Ash Sadeghi

Profile_AshDr Ash Sadeghi is an Associate Professor in International Business at the University of Leicester School of Business. His primary research interest is the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In particular, he is interested in studying the dynamics of international development of SMEs and the strategies for SMEs’ healthy, rapid growth.

Learn more about Dr Ash Sadeghi

Wen Wang

Wen WangWen Wang is an Associate Professor in HRM Data Analytics and Interpretation. She is interested in workplace changes aimed at improving productivity and staff wellbeing, practices that can facilitate the flourishing of a diverse workforce (age, ethnicity, gender, etc.) through job design and harnessing the advancement of technology.

Learn more about Wen Wang

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