Policy on student engagement
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Introduction and scope
Regular engagement is an important aspect of learning and the student experience. Students who engage with all aspects of their programme are more likely to succeed with their studies.
This policy complies with the regulatory requirements articulated in Senate Regulation 4: Regulations Governing Student Obligations and applies to all students on campus-based undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes who are not sponsored by the University under the UK Government’s Points-Based Immigration System (PBS).
A separate Policy on Engagement for International Sponsored Students applies to students sponsored under PBS.
Principles and expectations
The University expects students to engage fully with their programme of study, join all timetabled on-campus teaching events, submit coursework and assessments on time, and participate in any online activities that are part of their programme.
Engagement is more than just showing up. For students, it is actively participating and taking charge of their learning. It means focussing in teaching sessions, making notes, asking questions when they are confused, putting effort into independent study, and talking about their course with others. The more students engage, the more interested and confident they will become in their subject.
Students are responsible for their own participation in their learning experience by engaging and fully attending all elements of their programme. It is anticipated that by students engaging in their programme in this way they will have a better opportunity to successfully progress in their studies.
Schools will monitor student engagement and reach out to students who experience difficulties engaging with their studies, signposting to sources of support.
The University recognises that students may require occasional absence from their studies for illness or personal reasons. Students who will be absent from on-campus teaching for a short period should notify their School at the earliest opportunity providing clear and credible reasons for the absence.
In accordance with Senate Regulation 4, students may request permission from their programme team for short periods of absence for personal or religious reasons.
In accordance with Senate Regulation 7, if a student has been unable to sit an examination or submit coursework for assessment due to circumstances which have caused them to be absent from teaching events, they should submit a Mitigating Circumstances claim.
Students should note that absence may impact on their progress and they must take full responsibility for the completion of outstanding academic work arising from any absences. This includes accessing missed learning materials and contacting academic staff for support as required.
On certain programmes of study students are required to engage at a specified level to qualify for their award. Where there are such requirements, they will be stated in programme specifications and communicated to students in programme handbooks and other programme information.
Some Professional or Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) may set out engagement requirements for all students as a condition of accreditation. In such cases, these requirements are stated in programme specifications and are communicated to students in programme handbooks and other programme information.
If a student’s circumstances are such that they are likely to be unable to engage with their studies on an ongoing basis, they should discuss the possibility of a suspension of studies with their personal tutor or other programme contact.
Engagement monitoring
Schools will monitor student engagement a regular basis by reviewing data on attendance at timetabled teaching and in-person assessments and examinations, use of digital learning platforms, and submission of coursework and online assessments.
Physical attendance at campus-based teaching events is recorded when students swipe their student ID card against the card readers in centrally timetabled teaching spaces. Attendance can be recorded up to 15 minutes before the start time of a teaching event. Students are expected to have swiped in by the start of the session.
Students are expected to comply with the requirements of engagement monitoring with honesty. Disciplinary action may be taken against any student found falsifying engagement records such as scanning in for others, scanning and then leaving the class, or having others scan in on their behalf.
Where levels of engagement cause concern, Schools will contact students to ensure they are aware of the support available and the courses of action open to them. Where there is significant cause for concern about a student’s wellbeing, they may be referred to the University’s Student Support Services in line with the Support to Study Policy.
Where levels of engagement cause concern, Schools will seek to support students to improve their engagement and increase their likelihood of succeeding in their studies.
Where students do not respond to support and do not re-engage effectively with their studies and there are no wellbeing concerns, Schools may refer students to Student Registry Services who will consider their registration status.
Student Registry Services may place a student’s registration in suspense or may withdraw the student from their programme of study.
Students on the MBChB programme may be placed in suspense by the Leicester Medical School in line with the School’s Compulsory Suspension of Study Policy, which meets the relevant Professional or Statutory Regulatory Body requirements for the programme of study.
A student may only appeal against a decision to suspend or withdraw their registration if there is evidence of procedural irregularity in the application of the Policy on Student Engagement or there are circumstances that materially affected their ability to engage that they could not have reasonably made known at the time they occurred.
A student must submit an appeal on their own behalf, within 14 calendar days of the notification of their suspension or withdrawal of registration. Appeals should be made on the suspension or withdrawal of registration appeal form, with evidence attached, and submitted to AMappeals@le.ac.uk.
Appeals will be considered by the Head of Student Registry Services or their nominee.
Notification of the outcome of the appeal will complete the University’s procedures and students will be issued with a Completion of Procedures Letter that will include information on the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education.