
12611 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Charges and booking

    There is a small charge for using the equipment in the Advanced Imaging Facility at Leicester. Learn more about the charges that may apply.

  • Personal information

    Personal Information ; Photo; Name Details; Contact Details; Emergency Contact Details; Consent Preferences

  • Researching the history of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

    EMOHA has provided ways in which you can research the history of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This can also be applied to other counties and areas.

  • Study Tour of the Mediterranean

    Module code: AR7566 This module is focused on a short research tour in the Mediterranean held around Easter each year, where both Greek and Roman material can be studied on site and in major museums.

  • Registering with the University

    To officially become a University of Leicester student, you first need to complete your registration.

  • Centre for Academic Achievement

    Support and resources for students. Includes maths and statistics, academic writing, dissertations, assignments, preparing for exams, referencing. Academic skills academic achievement

  • Work with us

    The Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare is expanding. In addition to the posts we advertise regularly, there are also opportunities for graduate students, clinical academics, and non-clinical academics within the Centre.

  • New book explores life in Roman and Medieval Leicester

    Roman curse tablets Intriguing evidence relates to two lead curse tablets, from the town house at Vine Street, which have transformed our understanding of who lived in the Roman town and their links to the wider Empire.

  • Honorary graduates January 2018 Maggie Philbin

    Maggie Philbin, presenter of the much-loved children’s TV show Multi-Coloured Swap Shop and science and technology programme Tomorrow’s World, received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from our University at our graduation ceremonies on Thursday 25 January.

  • History, Politics and International Relations student complaints procedure

    The School of History, Politics and International Relations welcomes feedback, and we understand that occasionally you may wish to make a complaint. Find out about our student feedback and complaints procedure.

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