History at Leicester

PhD Students

Browse this list of our current PhD students, or see our past PhD students for information on previous projects and research.

To find out more about undertaking research in History, visit our research degrees pages or contact hypirpgr@le.ac.uk.

Student Email address Research focus

Ahmad Abouelnour


Revitalization of Old RAK (Oldest Settlement in the UAE).

Richard Bates  rb413@ British diplomacy, politics and espionage at Spa during the American War of Independence (the ‘AWI’). 

Kevin Brown


A study of the significance of the kinship and wider social relationships of those involved in the shaping of the radical networks among the working classes in England from the 1840s to the 1870s.

James Burns  jrb49@  Slavery and the Households of Sixth-Century Gaul 
Thomas Callaghan  tjmc3@  English decadence and dominion vitality: Anglo-Australian sport and English self-perception 1901-1962. 

Ash Carter


The Church in a State: How Richard Baxter's theology of the Visible and Invisible Church impacted his philosophy of Church and State.

Alexandra Cooper  ac832@  Commodities and the role of British capital in shaping financial markets in Sicily 1816-1861. 
David Coppock  dac35@ Monarchs, Mass Rallies and Peace Camps: Contesting Space in UK Women's and Feminist Protest since 1900.
Ann Drynan  ad515@ "Associational culture in a developing residential and leisure town: Brighton and Hove in the nineteenth century."

Abigail Eiceman


The Development of Automatic Chemical Warfare Agent Detectors in England 1970-1998.
Karianne Hansen  kh370@ 'Men always find it harder to explain death than life' : Survival within The Auschwitz Camp Structure 1942-1945. 

Todd Henderson


The State of Christianity Today: An Historical Assessment of the Flagship Evangelical Publication.

Jessica Hodgkinson  jmh81@  Gender and Literacy: the participation of women in book culture in England and Francia, c.650-c.950.
Julie Hurst-Whitehouse  jhw15@  Then and Now: Changing Spaces for Women's Voices in Oral Histories of Holocaust and Genocide, 1945-2018. 
Elizabeth Inlow  eji3@  Cultural Differences in the Emotional Experiences of Visitors to Nazi Concentration Camp site.
April Jackson  acj22@  Execution and Empire: A History of Judicial Killing under British Colonial Rule.

Daniel Johnson


Songs Before Unknown - Isaac Watts and the Dynamics of Protestant Worship in Enlightenment England.

Jessica Kebbell  jk394@ The History of the Howard League for Penal Reform, 1866-1948.

Namak Khoshnaw


The Spoil Of The War a PhD proposal on the Kurdish genocide in Iraq.
Carrie Laverick  clal1@ Institutionalisation of the Insane Poor: Analysis of the Suspected Causes, Prescribed Treatment and Likelihood of Recovery from Insanity, within Victorian Leicester. 
Peilin Li  pl217@ Jianghu: Daily life in Tianjin 1900-1949. 

Tracey Logan


Democracy and Direct Action in the Suburbs: Chiswick, Edgbaston and Filton 1838-1940.

Tonja Marking  tkm17@ The Enslaved Roseland Plantation Community of St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, 1805 -2025. 

Adam Millar


Empire of Salvation: The Salvation Army's Imperial Settlements and Colonies, c.1890-1939.
Ellen Morgan  ecm39@ Women of the Civil Rights Movement: The Hidden Narratives and the Commemoration of a Southern Female Voice. 
Oresta Muckute  om89@ Narratives of Loss during the Civil Wars in Ireland, Wales and England Compared, 1641-52.
Paul O'Shea  pos5@ Masculinity and friendship between male prisoners in KL Dachau, Mauthausen, and Sachsenhausen. 

Benjamin Palmer


A fruitful field for women: A collective biography of women in biochemistry 1906-1975.

Amerdeep Panesar


Beyond the Boundary: Cricket and Community in England, c. 1965-2015.
Veena Patel  vp161@ Water, Healing, and the Reformation in England 1520-1680. 
Chloe Phillips crp21@  Black histories of Cornwall, c1550-1900.
Teresa Porciani  tp211@ Figural Sculpture in Anglo-Saxon England: networks, agency and cross cultural contacts, c. 700-900. 

John Pullin


Engine Drivers in Local, Regional and National Context, 1850–1885.           
Emma Rhodes  emr18@ Non-White Women in the Works Progress Administration in the Southern United States, 1935-41.
Daniel Rignall  drr13@ Popular Engagement with Biblical Texts in Eighteenth Century Britain. 

Raphael Rues


Military activities of German and Italian Fascists units during 1943-1945 in the region of Ossola and Lake Maggiore.
David Russell  dr231@ Stretching the Evidence: An examination of the English Landscape through GIS 1573-1700. 

Peter Sasvari


"Poor Mexico: so far from God, and...": Reflections of The New York Times and US press on Mexico's political life and Mexican-American relations in the 20th century (regarding milestones of Mexico's political life).
Mariella Scerri  ms116@ The Trajectory of Care in Narratives in the Late Modern Period. 
Wendy Scott  ws138@ Money, economy and society in late Saxon England: The Lenborough hoard and the monetary impact of Anglo-Danish rule. 
Maria Scuderi  mcs38@ Global Leicester: The Dryad Craftwork Collection at New Walk Museum and Art Gallery. 
Paul Shaw  pavs2@ A new approach to understanding Anglo-Scandinavian settlement and agrarian practice utilising analysis of terroir. 
Nathaniel Van Sherman  nvs2@ The Baptistic Congregationalism Of The Wapping Church: A Cultural-Religious Analysis (1655-1712) Cultural-Religious Analysis (1655-1712). 
Nicholas Siniari  ncs13@ A History of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church's Mission to the Rastafari of the West Indies and the West Indian Diaspora in the 20th Century. 
Robert Sulley  rds30@ Contested Schooling: the Governance of Education in Leicester and Leicestershire, 1870-1914.
Mark Smith  mas106@ The Life and Works of Samuel Chandler: 1693-1766.
Robin Smith  ras90@ Educating Nazi Germany: Resistance and Conformity in the teaching profession under the Third Reich. 

Matthew Tuohy


Tracing the origins of settlement morphology and landscape character within the Hundred of Willey, Bedfordshire.            

Judith Vocker


Crime and Criminal Prosecution in the Warsaw, Cracow and Riga Ghetto during World War II.
Verne Walker  vw55@ The impact of the civil wars on women's work in Wales and England 1630-1655. 
Nicolas Walton  nw183@ The German Civil Service from the Kingdom of Prussia to the Federal Republic of Germany: the historical development of the service, its principles, and its loyalties. 

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