Leicester Microbial Sciences and Infectious Diseases Centre (LeMID)

College of Science and Engineering (CSE)

Researchers from the College of Science and Engineering are making major contributions to microbiological projects. LeMID is helping to foster and grow these interactions as we recognise the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the complex environmental, industrial and medical problems of which microbes are often a key part.

Key areas of research highlighted on other pages are studies of how pollution influences the behaviour, the impact of physical factors on microbial transmission and environmental survival and the far-reaching value of mathematical models in interpreting and extending experimental research studies.

All phone numbers are +44 (0)116 xxx xxxx


Name  Email  Telephone 
Dr Ivan Compeotto  ic100@le.ac.uk   
Dr James Hodgkinson  jh669@le.ac.uk  252 2105 
Dr Andrew Hudson  ah242@le.ac.uk  252 2099 
Professor Paul Monks  psm7@le.ac.uk  252 2141 
Dr Elena Piletska  ep219@le.ac.uk  294 4669 
Professor Sergey Piletsky  sp523@le.ac.uk  294 4666 


Name  Email  Telephone 
Dr Andrea Cangiani  ac433@le.ac.uk   
Professor Alexander Gorban  ag153@le.ac.uk  223 1433 
Dr Jeremy Levesley  jl1@le.ac.uk  252 3897 
Dr Andrew Morozov  am379@le.ac.uk  252 5054 
Professor Bo Wang  bw77@le.ac.uk  252 2162 


Name  Email  Telephone 
Sembhi Harjinder  hs32@le.ac.uk 
Dr Joshua Vande Hey  jvh7@le.ac.uk  229 7721 
Professor John Lees  lee@le.ac.uk  252 5519 
Professor Mark Sims  mrs@le.ac.uk 

252 3513


Name  Email 
Dr Jingzhe Pan  jp165@le.ac.uk 

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