Core Biotechnology Services
The EMF has a range of equipment and wet lab areas specifically for sample preparation and imaging of biological samples.
We offer a full sample preparation and imaging service or user training and supervision.
- Transmission Electron Microscope
- 120kV Tungsten Filament
- EMSIS Xarosa 20MP digital camera
- Resin embedded cells and tissues
- Negative staining proteins and macromolecules
- Nanoparticle analysis
- Tomography
- Immunogold labelling
Zeiss Gemini 360 FEGSEM
- Funded by BBSRC Alert20 BB/V019503/1
- Field Emission Gun Scanning electron Microscope
- 7 detectors including in-lens SE and EsB, NanoVP and aSTEM
- Oxford Instruments Ultim Extrem EDS
- Bacteria and Biofilms
- Micro-organisms
- Surface morphology of animal and plant tissue
- Surface morphology of cell cultures
- Elemental analysis
- Array tomography
- Leica UC7
- Reichert Ultracut E
- RMC MT-7
Quorum Q150 TES coating unit
- Turbo molecular pump
- Vacuum to 5 x 10-5 mbar
- Easy multi choice menu options
- Au/pd, Chromium or Platinum targets
- Argon or air gas supply
- Glow discharging
- Plasma cleaning
- Sputter coating
- Carbon coating
- Aperture cleaning
Polaron SC7640 Sputter coater
- Manual or automatic control
- Gold target
- Argon gas supply
Bal-tec CPD 030 Critical Point Dryer
- Large high pressure chamber
- Liquid CO2 exchange medium
- Acetone, Amyl acetate or ethanol transition fluids
- Drying large or delicate samples for SEM imaging
- Model organisms
- Tissue biopsies
- Plant and insect
- Cells and micro-organisms