About the University of Leicester

Section 6 - The Senate

  1. The Senate shall consist of the following members:
    • (a) The President and Vice-Chancellor who if present shall preside at all meetings of the Senate.
    • (b) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice-Chancellor.
    • (c) The holders of such other positions as are prescribed by Ordinance.
    • (d) Representatives of academic disciplines as defined in Ordinances.
    • (e) Up to eleven staff members of the University drawn from across the University as specified in Ordinances.
    • (f) Two officers of the Students’ Union appointed by the executive of the Students’ Union, as prescribed by Ordinance.
    • (g) Up to four current registered students of the University, normally appointed by the Students’ Union, as prescribed by Ordinance.
  2. Senate shall have the power to exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter and to do such other acts and things as the Council shall authorise. In addition to all other powers vested in it, Senate shall have the specific powers prescribed in the Ordinances.
  3. Subject to the Charter and these Statutes, the Senate shall have the right to reserve unto itself or to delegate such of its powers as it thinks fit.

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