Living at home

FAQs about commuting to Leicester

What transport options are available if I commute?

Find out about travel options on our Travel page.

The University is a 10-15 minute walk away from the railway station. The U1 and 47/48 bus routes both connect the city centre to the campus, with multiple stops along University Road.

If you're coming by bike, you can get a swipe card for access to the big bike store underneath the Library plaza as well many other cycle storage locations around campus.

If you plan to drive, please bear in mind that there is no on-campus parking (except for disabled students). However, there are car parks nearby.

What facilities are available on campus for live-at-home students?

You have access to the same fantastic range of facilities aimed at making your days a little easier. These are study and social spaces on campus such as silent study spaces and the Digital Reading Room in the Library and more social study spaces within departments and the Students’ Union.

There are also lockers in the Library so that you don’t have to carry all your books around all day, laptops for hire and microwaves if you fancy bringing your own lunch in.

Will I be able to take part in everything?

You will be able to join the same clubs and societies, go on the same nights out, visit friends in University accommodation and take part in all that is on offer at the University. If you haven’t checked it out already, visit our Students’ Union to see the range of exciting opportunities for students to get involved in.

What if I can't make it to the University on time?

Maybe your train was delayed. Or the bus broke down. Or your front tyre has a puncture.

All lectures are recorded and posted onto our online learning environment, so if you do accidentally miss part or all of a lecture - you haven't actually missed it (which can also be handy for revision!).

If you're going to miss a seminar or tutorial, let the relevant academic or your personal tutor know as soon as possible. If your regular transport arrangements make the start or end of the academic day inconvenient, we will do what we can to accommodate you. We're here to help.

Do I need a student maintenance loan?

One of the big advantages of living at home is financial. It's really up to you whether you take out a maintenance loan - you might find it useful for covering the costs of travel, books and other expenses.

If you're not sure, contact our Student Finance Advisers on 0116 223 1185 or

What support is available to me?

You will have access to the same support services as other students, whether you need help with practical matters such as childcare and finances, find some paid work or require support for other matters that may affect your ability to study. You can explore our range of student support services.

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