
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • High-Reliability Embedded Systems

    Module code: EG7014 Module co-ordinator: Andrew Norman Aims At the end of this module, students should be able to: Design software for single-processor embedded applications based on small, industry-standard microcontrollers Implement a software design using a...

  • Steered Research Project

    Module code: BS7120 Module co-ordinator: Dr Richard Badge Your steered research project will be organised as a group project with individually assessed components focussing on the topic of next generation sequencing.

  • Professional Development Internship/Elective

    Module code: NU3013 This module is an exciting opportunity for you to undertake an elective or apprenticeship role in clinical practice, research, leadership or education. An introductory lecture will launch the module and the organisation of electives and internships.

  • Working together towards active inclusion within surgery

    Amardeep Sidki reflects on working together towards active inclusion within surgery, and changing local policy around the Sikh Kara bangle

  • Offer Holder Hub

    We don’t want you to miss out on the benefits of attending a University of Leicester Offer Holder Day, which is why we’ve moved everything online.

  • Neptune is cooler than we thought: Study reveals unexpected changes in atmospheric temperatures

    New research led by space scientists at the University of Leicester has revealed how temperatures in Neptune’s atmosphere have unexpectedly fluctuated over the past two decades.

  • Lifechanging scholarships announced at Leicester

    The University has announced the names of its 2016 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholars. These students have been awarded Scholarships by the the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK to allow them to pursue a Master’s course while living in their home countries.

  • Previous executive education programmes

    Small Business Leadership Programme The Small Business Leadership Programme was delivered between November 2020 and May 2021 with nearly 200 organisations across the UK being supported by the University of Leicester School of Business.

  • The sky’s the limit for student rocket launches at University of Leicester

    University hosts local sixth form students for an afternoon of launching their creations into the skies above Oadby.

  • Celebrating Leicester’s Citizens of Change on National Graduates Day

    The University of Leicester is marking National Graduates Day to celebrate the resilience and achievements of graduates from the class of 2020 180 students from the University’s School of Medicine graduated early this year to join the NHS as part of a national effort against...

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