Statistics for Economists 2

Module code: EC1009

Module co-ordinator: Dr Barbara Roberts


Decision makers and policy makers require information about society, businesses and the economy to make informed decisions at different levels. This information often takes a numerical form, with data quantifying different areas of economic activity. Statistics provides the tools for collecting, summarising, presenting and analysing data to facilitate more effective decision making.

Statistics for Economists 2 develops further the range of tools and techniques for data analysis. The problem solving exercises involve identifying a suitable technique, carrying out necessary calculations, interpreting the results and discussing the implications for decision making. The ability to select the right method for the problem to be investigated and the type of data available is an essential skill that you put into practise in the data analysis project leading to the production of a concise report.

Topics Covered

  • Estimation and hypothesis testing.
  • Analysis of Variance.
  • Simple non-parametric tests.
  • IT for the manipulation, presentation and analysis of data.


  • 20 one hour lectures
  • 10 one hour computer classes
  • 5 one hour tutorials


The module is worth 20 credits towards your first  year assessment. This module will be assessed by a data analysis report (20%) and a two hours examination at the end of the semester (80%).

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