
13278 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Family History: Contexts, Identity and Belonging

    Module code: HS7131 Interest in family history has grown in recent years, partly due to TV shows such as the BBC's "Who Do You Think You Are?" and new technologies such as the Internet making it easier to access genealogical resources.

  • About me, Oliver Brett, University of Leicester

    Ghirri, Celati, photography, literature, landscape

  • Registering your protocol

    Why you should register your systematic review protocol and how to do this.

  • Modern Languages with Management BA

    Get ahead in business as you’ll learn management theory and practise whilst studying French, Italian or Spanish during this languages degree at Leicester.

  • Botanic Garden Festival

    The Botanic Garden will be alive with music, workshops, talks, arts and crafts, children’s activities, entertainment, food stalls and more this September.

  • Information for participants

    Information for participants who are part of The United Kingdom Aneurysm Growth Study

  • School-Centred Initial Teacher Training PGCE

    Find out more about SCITT providers offering the University of Leicester PGCE. School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) providers are networks of schools approved by the government to run their own teacher training courses and award Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

  • Visitor information

    View the Garden and Arboretum visitor information including parking and opening times.

  • Intercalated degrees

    Contact details If you have any questions about intercalating at Leicester, please do contact the intercalation office. Intercalation office George Davies Centre University of Leicester University Road Leicester LE1 7RH

  • Politics and International Relations BA

    At Leicester you’ll gain a thorough grounding in the study of both politics and international relations, led by the expertise of our lecturers, and guest speakers from MPs to diplomats.

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