University involved in reaching out to South Asian new mums

In Maternal Mental Health Week, a new project, ROSHNI2, aims to reach out to South Asian mums in Leicester, and support them to share their concerns with others or seek specialist help.

Becoming a new mum can be joyful and stressful, and around 1 in 10 women experience maternal mental health problems in pregnancy and the year after birth. Research shows that maternal mental health problems are higher among women from South Asian communities. Suicide is the largest single cause of maternal death.

ROSHNI2 is part of a national research project linking universities, health services and community organisations, to find ways of helping South Asian women (Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi) address maternal mental health problems. These can sometimes be existing problems, or can appear for the first time during pregnancy or early motherhood. New mums might be feeling down, or have problems sleeping or eating. Partners can also experience mental health problems around the birth of a child, and while family and friends can offer help, sometimes new mums appreciate being able to open up to professionals or even to someone they don’t know to listen to their concerns.

Lead organisations in the project are the University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and Lancashire Care Trust. 

ROSHNI2 will be holding a series of Chai and Chat events in cafes and community venues. To find out more contact ROSHNI2 via: