School of Psychology and Vision Sciences

Judgement and Decision Making

The Judgment and Decision Making group Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour is a team of psychologists and we are part of the larger multi-disciplinary Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Research Group.  Our research includes formal models, laboratory and field experiments, agent-based simulations of judgment and decision making in artificial and everyday situations, including in the workplace, and the impact of individual differences and social contexts on these processes.

Our research has applications in health/medical decision making, financial decision making, and legal decision making. Much of our research is funded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment.

Current projects

Current research projects within the group include:

  • The role of confidence cues on deception in competitive dyadic situations (Colman, Pulford, Mangiarulo).
  • Individual and dyadic moral dilemmas, judging what others will do in morally difficult situations (Pulford).
  • Understanding strategic reasoning in dyadic competitive and cooperative games (Colman, Pulford, Krockow).
  • Research on online adolescent risk taking, working with the educational charity Warning Zone (Frosch, Pulford).
  • Health-related decision making - perceptions of risks and uncertainty underlying medical treatment choices and antibiotic prescribing (Krockow).

Research themes

Endowment fund



Meet the team

Professor Andrew Colman

Andrew has research interests in judgment and decision making, game theory, experimental games, cooperative reasoning, evolution of cooperation, and psychometrics.

Dr Caren Frosch

Dr Eva Krockow

Dr Briony Pulford


Postgraduate students



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