Appeals and complaints
The University has robust systems in place governing the quality and standards of our degree programmes and your experience as a student here. We are confident that, like the vast majority of students here, you will enjoy and be satisfied with your course.
However, if you are dissatisfied with an aspect of your course or academic decision, we would encourage you to tell your department in the first instance, so that it has an opportunity to respond. You should raise your concerns with the person most directly involved, for example your lecturer or your personal tutor. In most instances your department will be able to resolve the issue but we recognise that this will not always be possible. For this reason, the University has official procedures that allow eligible cases to be formally reviewed.
Industrial action complaints
We are aware industrial action may cause some students concern and the University is working hard to avoid disruption to your studies and provide you with as much support as possible. More information is available on the industrial action complaints webpages, including eligible grounds and a link to the appropriate form.
The University will take all reasonable action to ensure that student’s academic outcomes are not affected by the industrial action and any impact will be taken into account through the assessment process. If you believe the industrial action has had a greater impact on your academic outcome and you are in receipt of a Board of Examiners’ decision, in regards to your progression or award, your concerns may be better addressed via the academic appeal process. More information is available on the academic appeal webpages, including information on the grounds of appeal and a link to the appropriate appeal form.
The different Appeals and complaints procedures
- Academic appeals – to ask for a review of a decision relating to your academic progress or award, usually made by a Board of Examiners or, for research students, a thesis committee or internal/external examiners.
- Student discipline appeals – to ask for a review of a penalty imposed by a Plagiarsim Officer or a Student Discipline Panel.
- Student complaints – to raise concerns if you are not satisfied with an aspect of your student experience.
- Fitness to practice appeals – to ask for a review of a decision made by a Fitness to Practice Panel.
- Student engagement appeals – to ask for a review of a decision made by a Student Engagement Panel.
The delivery of your programme, including teaching and administration
This may include how your programme is taught or aspects of administration of your programme. For example, the availability of resources electronically.
Not meeting obligations set out in programme materials, including misleading or incorrect information
This may include misleading or incorrect information, for example in the programme or module specification or in information available pre-registration.
Poor quality of facilities, learning resources or services provided by, or on behalf, of the University
This may include issues with University accommodation or buildings or teaching and learning resources such as reading lists.
The delivery of financial support, immigration processes or welfare support
This may include the quality and accuracy of advice or support received.
Concerns regarding support during your dissertation, research project or PhD thesis
In order for such concerns to be resolved quickly, we encourage students to raise these as soon as they occur and whilst you are a current student.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking directly to your supervisor, please contact your second supervisor or Postgraduate Research Tutor (if a PGR student) or module convenor; programme leader or Head of School (if you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student).
Your School Office may be able to help signpost you.
Concerns regarding the decision to transfer research students to an MPhil
This may include situations where following a probation review you feel that there is evidence of an issue which impacted on the decision to transfer you to an MPhil.
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding your degree classification
This is may include decisions not to allow you to progress to the next stage of your course, including progression to the dissertation/project.
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding a progression decision
This is may include decisions not to allow you to progress to the next stage of your course, including progression to the dissertation/project.
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding a decision to terminate your registration
This may include if you believe that there is evidence of an issue which may have impacted on the decision to terminate your registration.
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding a decision to withdraw or suspend your studies due to engagement
Please visit the student engagement appeals page for more information on how to appeal a decision taken to withdraw or suspend a student from studies made on under the policies on student engagement.
This may include if you believe that there is evidence of an issue which may have impacted on the decision to terminate your registration.
Concerns regarding a decision that you should resit without residence
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding being awarded a lower qualification than the one you were originally registered
This may include the decision to award you a Postgraduate Diploma, when you were originally registered for a Master’s degree.
See more information about the Academic Appeals procedure
Please note: there are specific grounds that have to be met in order for an Academic Appeal to be considered, please read the Academic Appeals webpages carefully.
Concerns regarding a fitness to practice decision
Students have a right of appeal against 'Stage One' decisions of a Fitness to Practise Panel. For more information see Fitness to Practise Appeals.
Concerns regarding a plagiarism outcome
If you have had a sanction imposed by a Student Discipline Panel, Authorised Officer or Plagiarism Officer, you can appeal against the finding and/or sanction via the Student Discipline Appeal process.
See more information about Student Discipline Appeals
Queries and assistance
Academic appeals
Education Quality, Enhancement and Development (EQED) can give you advice about the academic appeals procedure. Contact EQED on appeals@le.ac.uk or +44 (0)116 252 2250. The team cannot assist you in formulating an appeal or complaint but can provide procedural information.
Student discipline appeals
For advice on the procedure for student discipline appeals contact the Secretary to the Student Conduct and Complaints Team, studentconduct@le.ac.uk or +44 (0)116 252 2605.
Student complaints
For advice on the submission of a formal complaint please contact the Secretary to the Student Conduct and Complaints Team, complaints@le.ac.uk or +44 (0)116 252 2605.
Student engagement appeals
Student Registry Services can give you advice about the student engagement appeals procedure. Contact Student Registry Services at AMappeals@le.ac.uk.
Student Registry Services cannot assist you in formulating an appeal or complaint but can provide procedural information.
Students' Union Advice Service
For independent advice and guidance about any of the procedures above, please contact the Advice Service in the Students’ Union (advice@le.ac.uk). The Advice Service can help if you would like support in writing an appeal or complaint and/or support throughout a formal appeals or complaints process. For opening hours and alternative contact information, visit the Advice Service website.