
Attitudes towards rewilding gardens and green space in Leicester and Leicestershire

Both the School of Geography and Geology, and the School of Psychology are part of the University of Leicester.

The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.

The Data Protection Officer is:

  • Elisabeth Taoudi, Data Protection Officer and Commercial Lawyer
  • University Of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
  • 0116 229 7640
  • et177@leicester.ac.uk

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information.

What information are we collecting?

We will ask to record part of your postcode i.e. the first part of the postcode and the first character of the second half of the code (known as the ’postcode sector’).

Optional questions will also ask about your age, gender, and ethnic group – you can decide whether or not you want to provide this demographic information. We ask about your demographic information to help us explore difference in attitudes and check how well our responses to this survey match the demographics of Leicester and Leicestershire.

We will also ask if you want to provide your name and email address to get a copy of the survey results, to be included in a prize draw, or to be included in future research on this topic.

Why are we collecting your data?

We are collecting your data as part of a survey to research attitudes towards rewilding gardens and green space in Leicester and Leicestershire. In this survey we would like to find out how you use your garden, your opinions concerning how gardens and local greenspaces should be used, and whether these spaces can be redesigned in order to create more space for wildlife and nature. The survey also asks other questions about your attitudes and level of anxiety in relation to climate change and the decline of wildlife. Some questions ask about whether the Covid-19 pandemic has altered your perceptions about how green space should be used. Your responses to this survey will help us explore how attitudes and use of green space are related to other factors, and how different sets of attitudes relate to each other.

How we will use this data?

All your responses will be stored securely on UK University Online Survey IT. To analyse responses, data will be extracted to secure IT systems, accessible only to the research team. If you provide a name or email address, this information will be stored separately to the data you provide. A separate file will be created for each of the three reasons a participant might choose to submit these details.

If you choose to provide your name and email address to say you are willing to be contacted by researchers at the University of Leicester involved in other Mutualistic Cities projects, this data will be stored securely in a separate file alongside a code unique to you. This code would allow researchers with access to both this file and the main data file to match your identity to your responses, but will only be used for the purposes of identifying people we might invite for future projects. For example, we might want to invite people living in a certain area of Leicestershire for a future project. We would use the main data file to identify all participants living in that area who consented to being contacted about future projects, and then cross-reference this with the file containing your name and email address.

No one will know you have taken part in the survey if you choose not to submit your name and email address. If you do choose to provide your name and email, no one outside the research team will know you have taken part. No individual's responses to the survey will be singled out or presented on their own - results will only be analysed at a group level and you will not be identifiable in any reports written by the University. None of the mandatory survey questions ask for information that on its own would identify you as an individual.

There is an option to leave your name and email address if:

  • (a) you would like to receive a copy of the results;
  • (b) you would like to be entered into the prize draw for a voucher; or
  • (c) if you would be willing to be contacted about possibly participating in future Mutualistic Cities projects.

Your email address will be stored separately from your responses to the survey and it will not be possible for anyone outside the research team to link your responses to your name and email address.

What is the legal basis for processing the data?

The lawful basis for processing your data will be a task carried out in the public interest.

Our additional condition for processing your special category data, i.e. ethnicity, will be research.

If we are sharing your data with others who are we sharing it with?

The University is not sharing your identifiable data with anyone outside of the University. Your data will not be transferred, stored, or shared outside of the EEA.

Your personally identifiable data will not be made available to other researchers within the University. The anonymised data will inform further studies and projects relating to the Mutualistic Cities project.

How long we will process your data for?

We will use your data for the duration of the project, which ends on 31st January 2021. After the project, the University will securely store and retain your data for 6 years from the completion of the survey. This is the University’s standard retention period for research data.

What are your rights and how to enforce them?

You will have the following rights in regards to your personally identifiable data:

  • Right to withdraw consent - At the end of the survey, a screen will show a code unique to you (i.e., your completion receipt). Please make a note of this. If you have changed your mind about participating, you can email the researchers along with your unique code. The researchers will delete your data. Please note that you will not be able to withdraw after September 2020 because your data will have been incorporated into the survey report. This will be done in an aggregated way so that you are not identifiable from the report or results after this time.
  • Right to be informed
  • Right of access
  • Right of rectification
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to object

You can enforce your rights by contacting Dr Stefano De Sabbata (s.desabbata@le.ac.uk) or Dr Gareth Morgan (gsm23@leac.uk).

How to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office?

The Information Commissioner can be contacted on:

  • Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF
  • 0303 123 1113
  • ICO website

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