Museum Studies at Leicester
Cr/ia (Creative Research / Instituting Art) Training Series: Arts-Based Methodologies in Research
Embodying consent: With yourself, with others and during research.
Friday 14 February 2025. 11.00am-2.00pm (with break) *** please wear comfortable clothing
Attenborough Arts Centre, Main Hall.
Zoe Goodman, Anthropologist and Facilitator at Rebellious Care
Alice Tilche, Associate Prof in Anthropology and Museum Studies, University of Leicester
Creative Writing & Research
Wednesday 19 March 2025. 2.00pm-4.00pm
Attenborough Arts Centre, Studio 1.
Corinne Fowler, Professor of Colonialism and Heritage, University of Leicester
Place-based methods.
Tuesday 29 April 2025. 2.00pm-4.00pmAttenborough Arts Centre, Studio 3.
Rosemary Shirley, Associate Prof in Museum Studies, University of Leicester
‘Your silence will not protect you’: Arts-based techniques to surface challenging power dynamics and normalize conflict
Thursday 22 May 2025. 11.00am-2.00pm *** please wear comfortable clothing
Attenborough Arts Centre, Main Hall.
Zoe Goodman, Anthropologist and Facilitator at Rebellious Care
Cr/ía is a LIAS Flagship group and outward-facing and interdisciplinary hub for arts-centred research across the University of Leicester. With a shared commitment to foregrounding the value of the arts - socially, and as a form of knowledge - our work has two inter-linked strands: Creative Research: art as knowledge, language and method (Lead: Alice Tilche). Instituting Art: art at the conjunction of practices, places, publics and policies (Lead: Isobel Whitelegg). If you would like to find out more about our work, please feel free to contact us.