Library and Learning Services
Library Charter and regulations
Library Charter
We are committed to ensuring that our Library is safe, welcoming, and inclusive.
Our commitment to you
- To work in partnerships with our service users to deliver high-quality services
- To treat all users with dignity and respect
- To maintain a welcoming environment that is conducive to the research and study needs of our users
How you can help us
- Being respectful and considerate of library users, library resources and library spaces
- Being respectful to our staff
- Providing constructive or positive feedback on our services, our spaces, and our resources
Library regulations
These Regulations have been made for the benefit of all Library users, and your co-operation in observing them is essential for the common good. They are intended to promote:
- The maintenance of a range of environments conducive to study
- Equitable access to library materials, information sources, and services
- The maintenance of library materials, equipment, and buildings in acceptable and serviceable conditions
- Proper conduct when using the library services of other Institutions
Please read these Regulations carefully, as ignorance of them cannot be accepted as an excuse for non-observance.
For the purpose of these regulations
- "the Library" means any part of the University Library building, and any spaces managed or provided by the Library. It also refers to the services provided by the Library.
- “the Librarian” means the University Librarian or any person nominated by the University Librarian
- "book(s)" means any form of information resource or IT equipment.
- "Library card" means the University card or a Library card.
- “Smoking” includes the use of cigarettes, pipes, vapes, e-cigarettes
Access and membership
- Anyone using the Library must be registered as a user. Members of the Library include University of Leicester students and staff, Alumni, members of the public, and at certain times of the year College Students from Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland
- Users will be required to produce their Library card when entering the Library, when borrowing books, and at the request of the Library or Security staff.
- Library cards, including day tickets, may be used only by the person to whom they have been issued and whose name appears on the card.
- Library cards remain the property of the University of Leicester, and only one card can be in circulation at a time.
- A charge will be made for replacement cards other than for stolen cards where a police incident number is produced.
- All users must notify the Library as soon as possible of any change of postal or email address.
- Children may be brought into the library on the understanding that an accompanying adult will be responsible for them at all times.
- The Library will be open during its advertised opening hours. Any changes to the advertised opening hours will be communicated on our website and social media
Using the Library
- All users are required to behave considerately and to respect the study needs of others. Appropriate sanctions may be levied for misconduct or breaches of these regulations. Anti-social behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. All users must adhere to the University's Dignity and Respect Policy
- Study areas in the library may be designated silent, quiet, or available for group work. Users must maintain good order and observe the rules applying to each area
- Eating cold food is allowed in all areas of the Library except the PC Zones, Silent Study Areas, and Archives and Special Collections.
- Drinking from lidded cups, bottles, and cans is allowed in all areas of the Library except the PC Zones and Archives and Special Collections.
- Smoking is not allowed in the Library and is not permitted near the entrances to the library.
- The reservation of study space is not allowed. Library or Security staff may remove books and other articles that have been left for more than 30 minutes.
- All mobile devices should be set to silent whilst in the library. Phone or online calls may not be taken in the silent zones, but can be taken in group study spaces providing headphones or a handset are used.
- Users must not mark, deface, or damage Library books, their Library card, or the fabric, furniture, and fittings in the library building.
- All users must leave the Library by closing time and immediately when the alarm sounds or when requested to do so by Library or Security staff.
- Animals other than assistance dogs are not allowed in the library.
- Users are not permitted to bring bikes, e-bikes, scooters, or e-scooters into any building on campus including the Library.
- Photography and filming in the Library are allowed only where prior written permission from the Librarian has been given.
Using the collections
- No book shall be taken out of the Library until the loan has been recorded on the library system.
- All users leaving the Library must show all books in their possession if requested to do so whether these belong to the University or not. Users may also be required to open for inspection any bags or other receptacles carried out of the library.
- Users will be liable for any loss of, or damage to, books or other items while in their charge. Any loss or damage must be reported immediately to a member of the Library staff.
- Borrowers are responsible for all items issued to their Library card. This responsibility ends only when the item has been recorded as returned on the Library system.
- All books on the open shelves may be borrowed except those temporarily or permanently confined to the Library. Books not on open access may be consulted on application; any item made available for consultation within the Library must be returned as directed before the staffed services close.
- Books must be returned no later than the due date or earlier if they are recalled by the Library. Fines will be charged on books and other loanable items kept overdue, as indicated and at such rates as may from time to time be determined.
- Users with outstanding fines or overdue items may not be allowed to borrow further books or other loanable items or use library facilities until the fines are paid and books are returned or renewed. The Librarian shall have the power to remit or reduce fines in any particular case.
- Books that are already on loan may be reserved by another borrower. When returned, reserved books will be available for collection for a limited period only.
- Requests for document supply, including loans from other libraries, may be made according to such quotas and charges as the Librarian may from time to time prescribe.
- All users of Library materials are personally responsible for ensuring that they observe the requirements of the copyright legislation currently in force in the United Kingdom; failure to do so will be regarded as a serious breach of University discipline in addition to any liability incurred under the law. Members of the University copying and scanning Library books under the terms of any licensing scheme currently in force within the University are personally responsible for ensuring strict adherence to the rules of any such scheme, and any breach of these rules will be regarded as a serious breach of University discipline.
- All users of electronic information resources must abide by the terms of the appropriate licences.
Using Archives and Special Collections
- Archives and Special Collections are covered by the above regulations.
- In addition, users will be asked to sign up to our reading room conditions as detailed on the website.
Using IT
- Laptops borrowed from the Library must not be taken out of the United Kingdom.
- All users of University IT facilities, including computers and laptops, are required to abide by the IT Acceptable Use Policy.
Use of other libraries
- All users who have been granted access to the libraries of other institutions by virtue of their University of Leicester status must abide by the visited library's regulations. Any breach of these, or any other form of misconduct, will be regarded also as a breach of the University of Leicester's Library Regulations.
External members
- External members are defined as users who are not members of the University of Leicester and include Alumni, members of the public, and SCONUL members.
- By joining the library all members are agreeing to abide by these regulations.
Breach of these regulations
By order of the Senate, the Librarian, or any person nominated by the Librarian, has the authority to maintain good order in the Library and may exclude from it or suspend from its use or levy a fine any user who breaks Library Regulations.
- External Members: Any breach of these regulations or any form of misconduct may lead to disciplinary action by the University.
- University Students: Any breach of these regulations or any form of misconduct may lead to them being referred to the Student Conduct, Complaints and Resolution Team (Senate Regulation 11)
- University Staff: Any breach of these regulations or any form of misconduct may lead to them being referred to their Head of Department or School (University of Leicester Discipline Ordinance Policy (log-in required))
Additionally, the Librarian may report to the Registrar and Secretary any person responsible for a serious or persistent breach of these Regulations: such conduct will be considered a breach of University discipline.
Third party insurance
- A third-party insurance policy provides indemnity to the University in respect of its legal liability to compensate persons (including students) who suffer death, injury, or loss of or damage to their property. In order for there to be a legal liability it is normal for there to be established proof of negligence on the part of the University.
[The University Librarian and Director of Library and Learning Services]
Reviewed October 2024
Next review October 2025