Using our services
Study spaces
The Library has a wide range of study spaces suited to a variety of study needs. Learn more about the zones to help find a space that suits you.
- Silent spaces for silent individual study.

- Quiet spaces for quiet individual study, with an occasional whispered conversation.
- Group spaces and rooms for group and collaborative study.
Text and tell us
To report issues in the Library during staffed service hours please text us on 0116 347 0605, or speak to a member of staff at the Information Hub on the ground floor at any time.
Bookable group study rooms
Rooms for group study are available in the Library and in Freemen's Common Cottages. Rooms can be booked up to 4 days in advance through book a study space by University of Leicester students only. These rooms are not available for individual study, teaching, presentations, interviews or for University meetings. A group must consist of at least 2 people.
If the room is not occupied within 15 minutes of the start of a booking it may be rebooked to another group, a member of library staff can do this for you.
Bookable individual study rooms
There is one available individual study room on the Mezzanine in the Charles Wilson Building, Pod 15. It can be booked via "Book a Study Space".
Bookable sensory study rooms
Sensory study rooms are available in Library, and are located in the Centre for Academic Achievement (Ground Floor). These rooms are for the exclusive use of students registered with AccessAbility, and can be used for up to 2 hours at a time. You can book these rooms through "Book a Study Space"
Doctoral College Reading Room
Located on floor 1 of the Library and available for use by all University of Leicester postgraduate research students and all University staff.
Height adjustable desks
Height adjustable desks are available in the following locations
- Three in the Centre for Academic Achievement (Ground Floor)
- Two in the Rhoda Bennett Reading Room (Ground Floor)
- Two in the PC Lab (Floor 1)
- Two in the Doctoral College Reading Room (Floor 1)
PC Zones and rooms
Computers and print, copy, scan devices for use by University staff and students are located on all floors of the Library.
Esports Lab is on the ground floor and is bookable for teaching through central room bookings and may be used by University staff and students when not booked.
You can find a list of all PCs available across campus via the IT for Students webpage.
Study spaces on campus
There are a range of alternative bookable and non bookable study spaces across campus to support our students differing requirements. These include individual study spaces in the Percy Gee Students Union and on the Mezzanine floor in the Charles Wilson Building; and group study rooms in Freemen's Common Cottages.