International Ocean Discovery Program

Expedition 336: Mid-Atlantic Ridge Flank Microbiology

September – November 2011

This expedition examined the microbiology of a sediment pond and the underlying young, cold, and hydrologically active flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The Ocean Drilling Program (1985-2002) made the key discovery that organisms thrived in the Earth's crust beneath the ocean floors. Important for understanding the evolution of life on Earth, and potentially on other planets, the data on the subsurface microbial communities gathered on this expedition will expand our understanding of their diversity and extent in young ridge flanks and their role in crustal weathering.

The scientific vessel JOIDES Resolution revisited a previously CORK'ed hole (395A) and drilled into the seabed at two main sites. Operations included sediment/basalt coring, basement logging, and installation of two long-term subseafloor observatories.

As the Logging Staff Scientist, Louise was responsible for the supervision and quality control of basement downhole measurements acquired by Schlumberger. The new, unique DEBI-T tool, supported by USC and developed by JPL and Photon Systems Inc., was deployed for the first time on this expedition. The DEBI-T was run in combination with the standard Schlumberger tools and assessed the relative bioload on the borehole walls.

Logging Staff Scientist

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