
Key deadlines


Registration for January 2025 graduations opens 11 November 2024 and closes 8 December 2024. Invitations to register online are sent out when registration opens. If you have not received an invite after registration has opened but believe you should be graduating this winter, then please email so we can look into this further.

Outstanding payments

If you have any outstanding fees to the University you will be unable to attend your graduation ceremony. The deadline to pay your fees by in order to attend your graduation ceremony in January 2025 is 8 December 2024. If you have any questions about your fee payments please contact for advice.


The deadline to hire your academic dress from our supplier Ede and Ravenscroft is 8 December 2024 but if you miss this deadline contact them directly to see if a gown can still be provided. If you do not have your academic dress on the day you will not be able to take part in the ceremony (but you will still receive your degree).


Our official photographer, Tempest Photography, will be available on campus during your graduation. There is no need for you to pre-book, but take a look at our photography webpage for more information.

Guest tickets

Guest tickets can be requested during the online registration process once it opens. We guarantee two guest tickets per guest if requested during the registration process. If you have requested more than two tickets we will not be able to confirm if you have received your full request until approximately one week before your ceremony.

More questions?

Browse our frequently asked questions.

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