Covid in Cartoons
Covid in Cartoons
Empowering a thick narrative of the crisis by promoting cultural literacy and diversity skills amongst vulnerable young people
UKRI/AHRC Covid-19 Rapid Response call
(£352,054 at 100% FEC and £296,928 at 80% FEC).
This project will work with political cartoons and cartoonists to foster processes of meaning-making in relation to the current pandemic. Teaming up with Cartooning for Peace, an international organisation of cartoonists founded in 2006 at the UN Headquarters, we will engage young people in building a critical narrative of the crisis and its impact. The aim is to promote an inclusive social response and curriculum, in partnership with Shout Out UK, a multi-award-winning educational platform. The project will be led by Dr Fransiska Louwagie (Arts, PI) and Dr Di Levine (LIAS, co-I) and run from January 2021 for a duration of 18 months.
Closely aligned to the UK-focused AHRC-project, is an IRDF-funded short-term project on Political Cartooning and Peace-Building in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts, that sees political cartooning workshops happening with young people in Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, and Kenya.