Course information
UK fee £10,950
International fee £21,400
Institute code L34
Taught by Medicine
Course Administrator
Course description
Course description
Our course allows you to study the training and development of healthcare professionals, develop your practical skills and understand the evidence underpinning contemporary practice in clinical education.
As well as taught modules, you will complete a dissertation, allowing you to apply your new knowledge and skills in clinical education to a topic that really interests you.
The modules are based around three themes, covering the range of contemporary clinical education:
- Clinical Education in Practice
- Educational Leadership and Scholarship
- Educational Discovery
You will have the opportunity to study alongside qualified clinicians from different clinical backgrounds and career stages, and will study as part of a supportive, diverse multi-disciplinary group, supported by leading educational researchers and practitioners.
This postgraduate qualification can also be taken by students studying for an undergraduate medical degree as an intercalated MSc (iMSc).
Please note: This course has an application deadline of 31st May 2025. Decisions on all applications received before this date will be processed after the deadline.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
Either a Bachelors degree (or equivalent qualification) in a clinical discipline, in which you are actively practicing, and in which you hold appropriate professional registration or licensing.
Or a Bachelors degree in another subject with evidence of recent experience and/or current involvement in clinical education.
Intercalating medical students: You will need to have completed year 3 or 4 of your medical course, and be in the 9th decile or above of your degree. External candidates require a permission to intercalate letter from their current medical school. More information about intercalated degrees.
Applications from registered healthcare professionals without an undergraduate degree but who can demonstrate relevant experience will be considered on their individual merits.
English Language Requirements
IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. If you do not yet meet our requirements, our English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) offers a range of courses to help you to improve your English to the necessary standard.
International Qualifications
Find your country in this list to check equivalent qualifications, scholarships and additional requirements.
Countries listFees and funding
Fees and funding
UK Students
Starting in 2025
- MSc: £10,950
- PGDip: £7,300
- PGCert: £3,650
If you are resident outside the UK and the Republic of Ireland, you will need to pay a deposit of £3,000 to secure your place. This will be subtracted from your total tuition fee.
Find out more about scholarships and funding
Did you know you can apply for a Government Postgraduate Loan? Find out if you’re eligible.
International Students
Starting in 2025
- MSc: £21,400
- PGDip: £14,265
- PGCert: £7,135
You will need to pay a deposit of £3,000 to secure your place. This will be subtracted from your total tuition fee.
Find out more about scholarships and funding.
Careers and employability
Careers and employability
An educational qualification is either ‘essential’ or ‘desirable’ for most senior clinical roles: many of our graduates will move into senior clinical roles within the NHS, others will move into ‘teaching’ roles within universities or training institutions, or educational leadership roles. This course will prepare you for a higher degree (e.g. PhD, MD, MPhil) and will enhance your professional skill set and career options.
Our Careers and Employability Service is here to support you, with advice on interviews, CVs, work experience, volunteering and more. From Freshers’ Week to Graduation and beyond, they are here to help you reach your professional goals.
Related courses
Related courses
Course structure
Core modules
- Principles and practice of clinical education
- Innovation, quality, research and evaluation
- Assessment in clinical education
- Curriculum design
Option modules
Choose two option modules from:
- Practice-based learning
- Inter-professional education
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Supporting Students
Plus your Dissertation
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
For a Postgraduate Diploma, you will study the taught modules but not complete a dissertation.
Core modules
- Principles and practice of clinical education
- Innovation, quality, research and evaluation
- Assessment in clinical education
- Curriculum design
Option modules
Choose two option modules from:
- Practice-based learning
- Inter-professional education
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Supporting Students
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
For a Postgraduate Certificate you will complete three of the taught modules.
Core modules
Option modules
Choose two option modules from:
- Practice-based learning
- Inter-professional education
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Assessment in clinical education
- Curriculum design
- Supporting Students
Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.
Why Leicester
You will have the opportunity to pursue specific areas of interest through a range of optional modules.
You will be taught by experienced teachers and leading researchers as part of a supportive, multi-disciplinary group with colleagues from a wide range of backgrounds and career stages.
You can study flexibly over one to three years to fit your professional and personal circumstances.
The University of Leicester boasts successful undergraduate courses in medicine, midwifery, nursing, operating department practice and physiotherapy, and is a leading centre for educational research and scholarship.
Teaching and learning
Formal teaching will take place in small groups with discussion, sharing ideas and giving/getting feedback from tutors and colleagues. This is supplemented by preparatory self-directed learning and follow-up study to develop your interests further.
Assessment methods are carefully chosen to help you demonstrate your practical and academic skills through assessed teaching. practical tasks, written assessments and oral presentations.
Applying to intercalate
If you are a Leicester medical student wishing to apply to intercalate then you should follow the local application process as described in the process map on Blackboard. Intercalating students from other medical schools should apply via the relevant link below.
Apply now
Course | Qualification | Duration | Availability |
Course Clinical Education | Qualification MSc | Duration 1 year, full-time | Availability Apply Now |
Course Clinical Education | Qualification MSc | Duration 3 years, part-time | Availability Apply Now |
Course Clinical Education (intercalated) | Qualification MSc | Duration 1 year, full-time | Availability Apply Now |
Course Clinical Education | Qualification PGDip | Duration 2 years, part-time | Availability Apply Now |
Course Clinical Education | Qualification PGCert | Duration 1 year, part-time | Availability Apply Now |