woman looking at art in a gallery

Art Museum and Gallery Studies MA, PGDip

9 months-1 year, full-time

This is for you if you want to gain arts-focused skills, knowledge and expertise to develop a career in the arts and cultural sector or prepare for a research degree.

Art Museum and Gallery Studies MA, PGDip, 9 months-1 year, full-time

This is for you if you want to gain arts-focused skills, knowledge and expertise to develop a career in the arts and cultural sector or prepare for a research degree.

Course information

UK fee £12,100

International fee £22,300

Taught by Museum Studies

Admissions queries
+44 (0)116 252 3963

Museum Studies website

Course description

Course description

Art Museum and Gallery Studies puts museums in relation to the diverse network of spaces where art is made, defined, experienced and debated. Grounded in professional experience and cutting-edge research, our programme provides expert training in art history, curating, collections, public engagement and the social and political agency of art. We encourage a critical and forward-thinking approach to the role of art and its institutions in a changing world and the meaning of art beyond conventional spheres. By combining research-led teaching with hands-on experience and an eight-week professional placement, Art Museum and Gallery Studies will support you in joining a community of professionals and scholars working across the world as School of Museum Studies graduates.

What to expect

Art Museum and Gallery Studies will allow you to gain insight into the work of art institutions, and understand how they can become more accessible, representative, and relevant. You will gain experience of art handling, curating and collections, and historical, theoretical, and contextual knowledge and understanding of artistic, creative and professional practices. Throughout the programme, you will be introduced to a range of research methodologies including arts-based approaches.

As a PGDip or MA student you will complete six taught modules and a professional placement. As an MA student you will also undertake a supervised research project on a topic of your choice. Your course fee includes regular study visits, and those enrolled on this programme can apply for the British Council Venice Fellowship Programme to spend a month completing research in Italy during the Venice art or architecture biennale

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

In recognition of the diverse employment needs of the culture sector, our admissions process recognises and credits a range of prior qualifications and experiences.

  • Either a first class or second class degree, which can be in any subject area.
  • Or be able to demonstrate equivalent skills and aptitudes through the possession of a professional or vocational qualification and/or the accrual of relevant work experiences. Relevant experience can come from a wide spectrum of work or voluntary environments but clear evidence of this experience must be provided.

You should be able to demonstrate a commitment to, or strong interest in, museums, galleries, or other kinds of heritage or cultural organisation.

If you do not have a degree, you will be asked complete an assessment, such as an essay, to demonstrate your readiness for postgraduate study. Clear guidance will be provided on assessment criteria. You may also be required to attend an interview.

English Language Requirements

IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. If you do not yet meet our requirements, our English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) offers a range of courses to help you to improve your English to the necessary standard.

International Qualifications

Find your country in this list to check equivalent qualifications, scholarships and additional requirements.

Countries list

Fees and funding

Fees and funding

UK Students

Starting in September 2025

  • MA: £12,100
  • PGDip: £9,680

If you are resident outside the UK and the Republic of Ireland, you will need to pay a deposit of £3,000 to secure your place. This will be subtracted from your total tuition fee.

Find out more about fees and funding.

Did you know you can apply for a Government Postgraduate Loan? Find out if you’re eligible.

International Students

Starting in September 2025

  • MA: £22,300
  • PGDip: £17,840

You will need to pay a deposit of £3,000 to secure your place. This will be subtracted from your total tuition fee. 

Find out more about fees and funding.

Careers and employability

Careers and employability

Collaboration with art institutions, cultural organisations and museums is central to the development and delivery of our postgraduate programmes.

Our dedicated employability staff provide guidance on identifying and meeting career aims; developing your CV; completing applications and preparing for interviews.

Whether working within the sector for the first time, or building on existing experience, our eight-week work placement module will offer crucial professional experience.

By engaging with critical concepts, issues and methodologies and providing the flexibility to develop your own research interests, AMAGS provides excellent preparation for a research degree.

School of Museum Studies graduates can join the Museum Studies Connect network, which brings together a community of professionals working in the arts, museum and heritage sectors worldwide.

Work placement

Work placement

All students on our campus-based masters programmes undertake an 8 week, full-time, work placement between July and September. This placement is a highlight of the year and it provides valuable sector experience and network building opportunities. It also enables you to apply the skills and knowledge that you have been developing throughout the course and it facilitates a smooth transition from postgraduate student life into work in the cultural sector.

Find out more about the work placement

Course structure



Our 12-month MA programme consists of six taught modules together with a supervised research module and professional placement module.

Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) students complete all modules apart from the research project.

Modules shown represent choices available to current students. The range of modules available and the content of any individual module may change in future years.

Why Leicester?

Our reputation. Museum Studies is the first and largest academic unit in its field worldwide and continues to be recognised for outstanding research excellence. We have acquired a global reputation for leading-edge thinking and experimental practice in museum studies, and the REF 2021 evaluation found that 100% of our research had real-world impact.

Our expertise. All our teaching is research-led and informed by real-world practices and challenges. You will learn with recognised experts through lectures, seminar discussions, group work and one-to-one tuition and research supervision.

Our location. Leicester is a vibrant and diverse city whose creative communities connect to the University via the Universities Partnership and Heritage Hub. It is an affordable and centrally located place to live which benefits from direct trains to artistic and cultural centres including Cambridge, Birmingham, London and Nottingham.

Your career. Our eight-week placement module allows you to put your knowledge and skills to the test and gain crucial professional experience. The opportunity to pursue your own research interests and learn diverse research methods makes MA Art Museum & Gallery Studies great preparation for a research degree too.

Teaching and learning

As an MA Art Museum & Gallery Studies student, you will be taught by the programme’s core academic team: Alice Tilche and Corinne Fowler (Locating Art), Isobel Whitelegg (Making Art History), Stacy Boldrick (Curating Now), Suzanne Macleod and Richard Sandell (Designing for Creative Lives) and Rosemary Shirley (Entering the Field). Throughout, you will also learn from visiting speakers, including practicing artists and arts professionals.

Taught modules are delivered sequentially and will include lectures; seminars; workshops; guided independent study; group work, and study visits engaging with contemporary practice nationally. One to one personal tuition will provide access to pastoral support and space to reflect on your learning and professional development.

The Research module (MA only) allows you to take forward the interests, skills and expertise you develop throughout the programme. Our Research Retreat offers guidance in research design and methodology, and your personal supervisor will support the development of your self-directed research project.

Art Museum and Gallery Studies (MA; PGDip) culminates with an eight-week placement, during which you will work on a professional project designed in collaboration with our extensive network of museums and arts, cultural and heritage organisations.

Key dates

September 2025 start

  • Application deadline: 8 September 2025 (Please note if you require a visa to study you will be required to submit your course application by 25 July 2025)
  • Deposit payment deadline: 8 August 2025
  • CAS request deadline: 5 September 2025
  • 70% tuition payment deadline: 5 September 2025

Apply now

Course Qualification Duration Start Dates Availability
Course Art Museum and Gallery Studies Qualification MA Duration 1 year full-time Start Dates September each year Availability Apply Now
Course Art Museum and Gallery Studies Qualification PGDip Duration 9 months full-time Start Dates September each year Availability Apply Now
student inspecting a sculpture in the library entrance

I’ve benefited greatly from the extensive range of module topics. They’ve filled my knowledge gaps and have enabled me to have a deeper and better understanding, not only of art museums and galleries, but of the whole art ecosystem.

Jane, MA Art Museum and Gallery Studies

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