Museum Studies at Leicester

Work placement

Students at a work placement fairAll students on our campus-based Masters degrees in Museum Studies and Art Museum and Gallery Studies undertake an eight-week, full-time work placement between July and September. This placement forms their final module and is known as 'Practice'.

Practice is a highlight of the year for our students. The module provides valuable sector experience and network building opportunities. It also enables students to apply the skills and knowledge that have been developed in the previous nine months during the taught part of the course and the dissertation period. Taking place at the very end of the course, the placement facilitates a smooth transition from postgraduate student life into work in the cultural sector.

Students at a work placement fairIntegral and critical to the Masters curriculum, our placement is made possible through an extensive network of museums and galleries developed over more than 50 years of partnership with the museum sector. This network consists of over 200 museums and galleries across the UK and beyond who offer our Masters students bespoke placements. Each year students are able to select their placements from an expansive list of museums, galleries, heritage sites and other cultural and heritage organisations at our annual Work Placement Marketplace.

Projects are offered across all areas of sectoral work. Staff at the School support students to put together a professional application, offering networking opportunities with a selection of placement hosts. Many hosts are also our alumni and all are committed to supporting the next generation of museum and gallery practitioners.


If you are a prospective student and want to know more about the placement module, or you are representing an organisation interested to offer a placement, please contact Sarah Allard and Ginny Copley via

Please note that the work placements undertaken as part of the Practice module are credit bearing and unpaid.

Placement stories

Our placement network stretches across the UK, and includes a huge variety of different cultural partners. Read recent placement stories from our students and hosts here.

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