College of Life Sciences

Promotion of existing title

Promotions to Honorary Lecturer or Honorary Senior Lecturer will be considered throughout the year. 

The College has an annual promotions call for current honorary title holders who, have held their current title for a minimum of 12 months and are wishing to seek promotion to Honorary Associate Professor or Honorary Professor.

It is anticipated that this will follow a similar timetable each year, usually in December or January.


Individuals who wish to be considered for a promotion will be required to provide the following and should send to their University host department:

  • A completed honorary title form. The Head of your University host department will sign the bottom of the form. 
  • A CV which may be no longer than six pages, excluding the appendices and font which may be no smaller than point 12.
  • A personal statement with respect to your increased level of contribution.
  • For promotion to Honorary Associate Professor or Honorary Senior Lecturer - you will need to provide the names and contact details of two external referees. Individuals should be national/international leaders in their professional area. These referees should be able to confirm that the individual concerned is of such intellectual and leadership calibre that they are of equivalent merit to a substantive Professor/Associate Professor at Leicester.

In addition College will seek a reference for all clinical/allied health professionals from the NHS Trust in which they are employed, or their designated body, to ensure they are in good standing with both their professional/statutory or regulatory body and their employing organisation and to ensure it is supportive of any application. All clinical applicants employed by an NHS Trust will be expected to have discussed their application with their Clinical Director and Medical Director.

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