Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Friends of the Garden

Membership privileges

  • Invitations to morning and evening talks
  • Visits to famous and less well known gardens and nurseries including short-break tours to more distant gardens
  • Special access to the Garden where members may visit the garden at times when it is closed to the public
  • Newsletters which contain notices of meetings, news items and articles on plants or features of current interest in the Garden
  • A forum for the free exchange of plants among members
  • Opportunities to train as a guide to take groups around the Garden and Arboretum
  • To be part of a team to organise the Botanic Garden Plant Sale and Family Day and other events


Date Event Speaker and Talk title
13 March 2025 AGM and evening talk Professor Tom Robinson: Developing a future plan for the Botanic Garden
10 April 2025  Evening Talk Nick Bailey: A future vision for the Botanic Garden
14 April 2025 Morning talk Geoff Hodge: Propagation
22 May 2025 Evening talk Professor Heiko Baltzer: Peatland and net zero Transition

All talks take place in Beaumont House, Stoughton Drive South, Oadby LE2 2NA. Parking on Glebe Road.

Morning talks start at 11.00am with refreshments from 10.30am. Evening talks start at 7.00pm with refreshments after the talk.

Non-members are very welcome for a £2 donation or free if membership is purchased on the day.

Members Tour

 Led by the Botanic Garden Volunteer Tour Guides 

 Saturday 17 May 10.00am and 11.30am


Who we are

Founded in 1980, the principal aims of the association are to promote and support the development of the Garden's plant collections and amenities.

Fund-raising activities centre chiefly on the annual Plant Sale and Family Day but other events are organised from time to time. Over the years the Friends have funded a range of projects in the Botanic Garden. 

We are members of the nation-wide Friends of Botanic Gardens Forum.

How to join

Anyone over the age of 18 may become a member. Those under 18 may be included in family membership.

To join the Friends visit our membership website.

Alternatively, please email for an application form. Membership application forms are also available at the Botanic Garden entrance gate.

Subscriptions payable on 1 January each year. New members may join at any time and, if joining after our Plant Sale and Family Day in early July, will receive the concession of the remainder of the current year with the next year.

The current subscription rates are as follows:

  Single  Family
Standard rate £15 £21
Senior citizen £14 £19
Life membership £120 £170

Direct debit is possible via the website link above.

Data protection statement

If you are a member of the Friends of the University of Leicester Botanic Garden, the information you have supplied is used to administer your membership and tell you about the work of the Friends including mailing of the newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive information from the Friends, or would like a copy of the information held, please email us or write to Data Controller, Friends of the Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH.

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