About the University of Leicester

Alumni Association Committee

Terms of Reference and Membership 2023-24


To manage the business of the Alumni Association of the University of Leicester


1. To formulate and oversee the implementation of the policies of the Alumni Association.

2. To act as a channel of communication between the Alumni Association and the University.

3. To arrange and run events on behalf of the Alumni Association.

4. To arrange and run the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association.

5. To offer advice and support to the Development and Alumni Relations Office on the Alumni Relations programme.

6. To nominate a member of the Alumni Association to serve as a member of the Council, for consideration by the Nominations Committee, in line with agreed procedure.

7. To appoint up to two members of the Standing Committee (including the Chair) to serve on the Augmented Nominations Committee for the purposes of appointing the University’s Chancellor.

8. To nominate members to fill vacancies on University Committees.

9. To consider, record and address the potential equal opportunity impacts of decisions made by the Committee (in accordance with the ‘due regard’ provisions of the Equality Act 2010).

Reports to

People, EDI and Wellbeing Committee

Constitution and membership 2023-24

a) The Chair of the Alumni Association (Mr M Cullen, 2025)

b) Ten members appointed by the Alumni Association

  • Mr D Flatt, 2024 (Vice-Chair)
  •  Mr S Green, 2024 (Treasurer)
  • Dr R Fairbrother, 2026
  • Dr E Blood, 2024
  • Mr C Du Couëdic De Kerérant, 2024
  • Mr R Lee, 2024
  • Mr M Aw, 2024
  • Ms J Johal, 2024
  • Mr A Melilli, 2026
  • Mr C Tawk, 2026

c) The immediate past Chair of the Alumni Association

  • Not filled in 2023-24

d) Up to five co-opted members (including a representative from the Governing body of the Students’ Union):

  • Mr A Robinson (Student Union President 2023-24)
  • Ms K Holloway, 2024

e) The Chair Elect (where appropriate)

  • Not filled in 2023-24

Duration of appointment

Members appointed under a) and b) shall for 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

Members appointed under c) may be appointed, in the interest of continuity, to serve for a period of one year only.

Members appointed under d) shall be appointed annually by the Standing Committee and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

Members appointed under e) shall only be eligible for appointment for the final year of the Chair’s term.

Categories a), b) and c) above are open to Full and Associate Members of the Alumni Association. 

Category d) is open to Full and Associate Members, and any other person whom the Standing Committee may decide upon.

Unless stated otherwise members shall retire after a maximum period of three consecutive terms of three years and shall be required to retire for at least one full year before being eligible for re-appointment.  Exceptions to this rule will require a specific resolution of the Standing Committee. 

Appointments shall expire on 30 September of the relevant year.

Normally in attendance at meetings

Additional persons may attend meetings from time to time as guests of the Committee to decide if they would like to join as a full member.


Mr J Castledine, Development and Alumni Relations Office

Frequency of meetings

Meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at least four times per year.


5 members

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