Virtual Genetics Education Centre

Gene mutations and cancer

This topic is covered by means of a series of podcasts which have been developed by the clinical genetics department at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, in conjunction with GENIE. The main aim for creating these podcasts is to enhance any information which may already have been provided to you, or for you to use if you have any particular worries about cancer in your family. They will help you understand your personal or family history of cancer. 

Inherited and environmental factors are important in familial cancer susceptibility and their roles in the development of cancer are also discussed in these podcasts.

The podcasts can act as a reference for you (if you are already a patient) before appointments with cancer specialists, but they can also provide a very useful resource of information about controversial and often misleading concepts such as genetic testing, breast screening and diets for cancer patients.

Cancer podcasts

What is Cancer?

A short introduction to cancer (4:06)
Resource: What is cancer

Symptoms of Cancer

A podcast highlighting the symptoms and warning signs of cancer (2:03)
Resource: Symptoms of cancer

Genetic Testing

An explaination of the process and implications of genetic testing (5:33)
Resource: Genetic testing

Inheritance Patterns

The inheritance patterns of autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant explained (5:25)
Resource: Inheritance patterns

Breast Cancer Screening Introduction

A brief introduction to breast cancer (1:23)
Resource: Breast cancer screening introduction

Breast Cancer Screening

A more in-depth look at breast cancer screening (2:28)
Resource: Breast cancer screening

Breast Cancer Susceptibility

Information on the hereditary risk of breast cancer as well as other risk factors associated with the disease (2:57)
Resource: Breast cancer susceptibility

Bowel Cancer Susceptibility

Information on the hereditary risk of bowel cancer as well as other risk factors associated with the disease (3:46)
Resource: Bowel cancer susceptibility

Lynch Syndrome

This podcast covers the topic of Lynch Syndrome, also known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (2:09)
Resource: HNPCC - colorectal cancer

Gynaecological Cancers

A brief overview of the types of gynaecological cancers and their screening methods (3:46)
Resource: Gynaecological cancers

Diet for Cancer Patient

This podcast gives advice on how cancer patients can maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle (11:55)
Resource: Diet for cancer patients

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