Your next steps

Photo guidelines

In order for us to issue your University ID card, we need a photo of you, which you can upload directly to MyStudentRecord (login required).

Your student ID card is used for:

  • Accessing University buildings, including the library
  • Registering your attendance at timetabled teaching
  • Accessing the gym
  • Proving your identity when collecting University documents and taking exams
  • Always remember to keep your ID card on you when visiting the campus. 

What it needs to show

We need to see your face clearly so, like a passport photo, you should avoid:

  • A hat or head covering (unless it's for religious or medical reasons)
  • Anything covering your face
  • Dark glasses
  • Hair over part of your face
  • Filters or retouching

However, unlike a passport photo, we don't mind if you smile!

Format and size

  • We accept .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg and .tiff files
  • Please crop it to these dimensions: height 180 pixels, width 150 pixels
  • Please make sure the file size is less than 1MB

If there is a problem with your photo, we will contact you and request a different photo. This could mean your student ID card won't be ready at the start of term.

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