
How to check the IMD quintile of your home postcode

Your postcode must be in England, other postcodes will not be eligible.

  • Go to the English indices of deprivation 2019 data lookup tool.
  • Enter your postcode in the ‘Enter postcodes’ box.
  • Click ‘Get deprivation data' green box.
  • Once complete the page will tell you if your postcode has been matched.
  • The matched data for your home postcode will be available as an xlsx or csv file. To open in Excel, download the xlsx file.
  • Column F in the downloaded spreadsheet gives you the Index of Multiple Deprivation Decile. This will be a number from 1 to 10.
  • Your IMD quintile is:
    • Decile 1 or 2 = IMD quintile 1
    • Decile 3 or 4 = IMD quintile 2
    • Decile 5 or 6 = IMD quintile 3
    • Decile 7 or 8 = IMD quintile 4
    • Decile 9 or 10 = IMD quintile 5

You can use this tool to see if you meet criteria for some of our scholarships, or if you are eligible to take part in AccessLeicester.

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