
How we support you

How we support you

University can be challenging. But it never needs to be overwhelming. From the second you arrive at Leicester, we’ll be here to guide you through all the ups and downs of university life. Whether you need the friendly face of a mentor from our university student support team, the helping hand of a tutor or counsellor at university mental health support, or simply somewhere to escape to such as the gym or a club, we’ve always got you.

This high level of support and student happiness is proven by our place in the Top 30 Universities in the UK. These rankings are decided on a range of factors including student satisfaction with course work, teaching, feedback, and the student to staff ratio.

Your mental health at university

Whatever you’re going through, you can always turn to our student welfare team to offer specialist practical and emotional support to help you deal with your problems in the most appropriate way. We provide mental health support and student support wherever it’s needed so please feel free to get in touch with someone today.

Find out more 
Azza BA English student sat at a desk

The staff are very friendly and supportive and have always helped me with any queries I had.

Azza (BA English)

A human touch

When everything else is changing – new city, new friends, new routines – it’s important to have consistent people in your life who you can talk to and turn to for the answers you need.

Residence Life

Our university student support team ensures you always have a friendly face to help you settle in, introduce you around, and show you where everything is.

Personal tutor

A member of the academic staff who’s behind you all the way from the start of your course to graduation with student support and guidance.

Peer mentor

An older student who knows exactly what you’re going through and will help you find your way.

Boost your wellbeing

No matter how ambitious you are, there’s more to university than studying. We provide plenty of opportunities for you to stop, look around, and occasionally take your mind off the academic side of the university experience. If you need a little extra help, we offer mental health support at a university facility.

Gym and sports

Exercise is a great way to boost your mental health and feel good about yourself. As well as two fully-equipped gyms, there’s a whole range of sports clubs you can get involved in, no matter what level you’re at.

Pick a team

Clubs and societies

Clubs and societies are somewhere you can find like-minded people and feel as though you belong. Our Students’ Union has more than 200 of them, from faith groups to performance societies.

Find somewhere to belong

Attenborough Arts Centre

Art can be the perfect escape. At the Attenborough Arts Centre, you can immerse yourself in the region’s best live theatre, music and comedy, and emerge refreshed.

Discover more

Cool as Leicester

Sometimes it’s good to get a change of scenery or a break from the routine. Leicester has coffee shops, culture and quiet open spaces, all waiting to give you some perspective. Even a simple walk around our wonderful city can do you the world of good.

Follow Cool as Leicester
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