Teachers and careers advisers

What's on

Teacher and Adviser Conference

Friday 4 April 2025

The day will run 8.45am - 4.30pm.

When you arrive on campus, please make your way to the Sir Bob Burgess Building, ground floor foyer.

You will receive your personalised programmes with details on your chosen breakout sessions when you register.

Make sure to check out the programme to see when and where everything is on.

8.45am – 9.10am: Registration and refreshments

9.15am – 10.00am: Key note: Unlocking UCAS: What you need to know!

Dave Penney, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, UCAS
Join UCAS as they share key insights from the latest cycle along with essential updates on 2026 applications, Personal Statement changes, and the upcoming Confirmation and Clearing period. Gain clear, actionable takeaways to confidently support your students and strengthen your approach for the upcoming cycle.

10.00am – 10.10am: Break 

10.10am – 11.00am: Breakout 1 

1.A. ‘Motivating and supporting teens under pressure (whilst channelling your inner Ted Lasso!)’

Dr Dominique Thompson, Director, Buzz Consulting
The transition to university from school is a challenging one, and never more so than in our highly pressured environment! The teen years are a wild ride of emotions and new experiences and can lead to some tricky situations and poor decisions or disengagement. So, if you are struggling to differentiate between lack of motivation and overwhelm or wondering how best to steady their path at a crucial time, join Dr Dominique Thompson for an engaging and thought-provoking presentation and discussion about coaching teens in the 21st century. And don't forget to ‘Believe'!"

1.B. Student wellbeing and finance: An insight into our insights

Vivi Friedgut, Founder and CEO of BlackBullion
Join Blackbullion for a session to gain Insights into how this generation treats money, money management, their finances and how it influences their behaviour. Gain advice on how to promote early independence to reduce well-being and financial challenges, the importance of empowering prospective students with confidence as well as budgeting and how to navigate the cost of living crisis by supporting students in managing financial stress.

1.C. Campus tours

The University of Leicester Student Ambassadors
Guided by our very own student ambassadors this is your chance to take a look at our state-of-the-art facilities on campus.

11.00am – 11.15am: Break 

11.15am – 12.00pm: Breakout 2 

2.A. ‘Medicine Admissions Panel’

Dr Suzanne Dawson, Medicine Admissions Tutors, and Dr Sam Adcock Medicine Foundation Year Lead and Admissions Tutor, University of Leicester Medical School
Join our medicine admissions tutor who will answer any and all questions about the medicine application process to the University of Leicester.

2.B. ‘The Real Deal: Behind the scenes of student life’

Maery Onwuzulume and Zara Jivraj, The University of Leicester
Experience a student led session, giving insight into university life and what they value most in their education and how it has helped them successfully navigate the transition from school to university life.

2.C Mental Health Careers

Dr Rachel Winter, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and Founder of Medicine Calling  
With more and more people coming forward to access help and support with their mental health, the NHS has a mental health workforce crisis. In order to meet this demand, and inevitable future demand, we need more young people to train in mental health careers. This talk will explore the range of careers in the sector (it’s so much more than psychology) and how you can support your students into these careers.

2.D. Best practice careers provision: Sharing and Learning

Leicestershire Education Business Company
In this group-based discussion session, reflect on your successes and areas to target within your careers and IAG provision. Share best practice and gain new insights from likeminded careers professionals.

12.05pm – 12.50pm: Breakout 3 

3.A. Supporting Care-experienced Students to Access Higher Education

Rebecca Jones, Senior Advice and Support Officer for Further and Higher Education from the charity Become
This session will cover the challenges care-experienced young may face and what their journey to HE may look like. We will also cover all the support that is available, as well as offering advice on how professionals can support the care-experienced young people they work with.

3.B. A STEM Foundation Year Courses – Everything you need to know

Dr Harmony Lansdown, University of Leicester
Hear from academic colleagues who will give an overview of what our STEM Foundation Year courses entail, which students they are for and how these courses have supported our students to progress with their futures. This session will give you an insight into how you can best advise students who might need to consider a foundation year for their next steps.

3.C. Campus tours

University of Leicester Student Ambassadors
Guided by our very own student ambassadors this is your chance to take a look at our state-of-the-art facilities on campus.

12.50pm – 1.30pm: Lunch

  • Sir Bob Burgess Building, ground and first floor foyers.

1.30pm – 1.45pm: The Vice Chancellor's Welcome

  • Professor Nishan Canagarajah, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester

1.45pm – 2.15pm: General Admissions Q+A panel

  • Dan Flatt, Head of UK Student Recruitment and Outreach
  • Kathy Thompson, Deputy Director of the Future Students Office
  • Dr Hannah Grosvenor, Head of AccessAbility - The University of Leicester

2.20pm – 3.10pm: Breakout 4 

4.A.  Navigating the maze: Community insights into university decision-making

Aimee Johnson, Head of Agency Partners, The Student Room
This session explores the sentiments and emotions shared by young people on The Student Room, the UK's largest online student community. Using sentiment and emotion analysis, we’ll uncover the authentic experiences, hopes, and frustrations students voice to their peers as they navigate their educational journeys and make pivotal decisions about university pathways.

4.B. University of Leicester’s New Courses Showcase

Professor Sarah Davies, Dr Joe Smith and Sam Winter, University of Leicester
Hear about the exciting range of new courses launched at the University of Leicester! From their USPs, entry requirements, course content and potential careers for students undertaking them, this session will give an overview to the new opportunities available for our prospective students.

4.C. Definitely not ancient history: how and why teaching the ancient world benefits your pupils' learning

Dr Jane Ainsworth, University of Leicester and Angela Dix, Classics for All East Regional Co-ordinator
From classical mythology in English and Science lessons to Roman inscriptions in History and DT, this session will explain the benefits of teaching the ancient world across a decolonised curriculum.  We'll explain the different options for CPD and supporting your teaching; resourcing and accrediting your pupils' learning; as well as providing case studies of ancient modules which have been successfully introduced into school curricula, with notable success for SEN pupils.

3.10pm – 3.25pm: Break

3.30pm – 4.15pm: Breakout 5

5.A. Parents and Carers Panel: How can universities better engage with parents and carers in the students' educational journey?

UK Student Recruitment and Outreach, and Parents and Carers panel
Join the UK Recruitment and Outreach team for a dynamic Parents and Carers Panel discussion exploring how universities can better engage with parents and carers in supporting students' educational journeys. This session will address key questions, such as how to enhance communication, when young people typically begin exploring pathways to university, and what educators can do to improve their experience. Share insights and ideas as we work together to empower families in guiding the next generation.

5.B. Student Finance England for 2025 onwards and Alternative Finance overview

Ahmar Ehsan, Student Loans Company
Hear the latest in regard to Student Finance England funding for students applying to Higher Education and an overview to Alternative Student Finance. What should you know? What should your students know and how can you help them?

4.15pm – 4.30pm: Thank you and goodbye!

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