Schools, colleges and community

Programme for Saturday 8 March 2025

9.15am: Arrival and registration

Our team of friendly student ambassadors will take you on an optional campus tour before the event starts at 10.00am.

10.00am: Welcome and Introduction to Medicine Calling

Discover more about Medicine Calling and find out about some of the fascinating and rewarding careers connected to mental health.

10.40am: External Speaker

Hear from someone working in mental health about their experiences working in the sector.

11.10am: Break

11.25am: Workshop 1

At the event, you will have the opportunity to take part in two interactive workshops. Morning workshops are as follows:

  • Clinical Psychology in Practice: This workshop will involve an interactive task illustrating different ways in which clinical psychologists think and work.
  • Forensic Psychiatry: Work with a forensic psychiatrist to explore how medicine meets the law! Find out more about this fascinating area of psychiatry and explore the role further by looking at a patient case studies.
  • Mental Health in General Practice: A look at how Mental Health can present and be treated in Primary Care, and how Primary Care teams work alongside Mental Health Services to provide a holistic service.
  • Mindfulness in Medicine: An overview of practice and principles of mindfulness in medicine, sharing learning from the Health Enhancement Programme at Leicester Medical School.
  • Psychotherapy Anxiety Hierarchy: In this interactive session, you’ll explore the treatment of anxiety by building your own Psychotherapy Anxiety Hierarchy.
  • Spotlight on Mental Illness: This interactive case-based workshop will give you the opportunity to look at the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illness. It will also give you an insight into what working in mental health services is like. 

12.20pm: Empathy in Healthcare Talk

Find out more about the importance of empathy in healthcare

12.50pm: Lunch

1.30pm: Workshop 2

You’ll attend your second workshop of the day. Workshop choices include:

  • ECT The Shocking Truth: We’ll explore ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy) and dispel some of the myths of this treatment which is often portrayed so negatively in the media.
  • Forensic Psychiatry: Work with a forensic psychiatrist to explore how medicine meets the law! Find out more about this fascinating area of psychiatry and explore the role further by looking at a patient case studies.
  • Mental Health Act: Simulation: What do we mean by ‘sectioned’? An interactive, simulated session exploring mental illness and the mental health act.
  • Mental Health in General Practice: A look at how Mental Health can present and be treated in Primary Care, and how Primary Care teams work alongside Mental Health Services to provide a holistic service.
  • Psychotherapy Anxiety Hierarchy: In this interactive session, you’ll explore the treatment of anxiety by building your own Psychotherapy Anxiety Hierarchy.
  • Spotlight on Mental Illness: This interactive case-based workshop will give you the opportunity to look at the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illness. It will also give you an insight into what working in mental health services is like. 

2.25pm: Careers in Mental Health Talk

Find out what qualifications, skills and attributes you need for a career in the mental health sector. 

3.00pm: Evaluation and end of event

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