Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Past events

Browse some of our past events.


Holocaust Memorial Day 2025: "Where is my grandfather?" A family History of the Holocaust in Hungary - The Wiener Holocaust Library.

30th January, Virtual Event, 6.00pm UK time

The Stanley Burton centre warmly invites you to this year's Holocaust Memorial Lecture, co-organised with the Wiener Library, London, and the Institute for the History of German Jews, Hamburg, in response to the 2025 HMD theme 'For a Better Future'.  Further details here.


Hybrid book talk: 'Jewish Identity in Multicultural Australia' and 'New Microhistorical Approaches to an Integrated History of the Holocaust', with Dr Jennifer Creece and Dr Hannah Wilson

Thursday 21 November 2024, 5.00pm, Sir Bob Burgess Building

An online and in person event with Jennifer Creece (University of Leicester), author of Jewish Identity in Multicultural Australia (Palgrave, Macmillan/Springer, 2023) and Dr Hannah Wilson (University of Leicester), Co-editor and contributor to New Microhistorical Approaches to an Integrated History of the Holocaust (De Gruyter Oldenberg, 2023).  Further details here.

The 2024 American Election: Donald Trump and the Spectre of Fascism

Monday 28 October 2024, 5.30pm-7.00pm

Sir Bob Burgess Building, Room 0.02

A public lecture in person and online by Professor Matthew Feldman.

Leading up to the US elections and jointly organised by the SBC and Dr Bernhard Forchtner from the School of Arts, Media and Communication.  Professor Matthew Feldman is described in The Independent as "the leading expert on the radical right" and by ITV as the '"UK's leading specialist in this area." Professor Feldman is a consultant, writer and Emeritus Professor in the Modern History of Ideas.

Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture 2024

"Then they came for me…". Martin Niemöller, Protestant antisemitism and the problem of Holocaust remembrance in post-war Germany - Professor Benjamin Ziemann (University of Sheffield)

Date and time: Wednesday 24 January 2024, 5.30pm

Location: University of Leicester, Sir Bob Burgess Building, Lecture Theatre 2

“Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.” This the final line of the famous quotation by the Protestant pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984). The quote frames the problem of Niemöller’s own complicity in Nazi crimes and the Holocaust in terms of a lack of empathy with the victims of Nazi persecution. This reading of the quote, however, masks a much more complicated reality, as Niemöller continued to voice antisemitic views both in the years from 1933 and in the post-war period. Niemöller’s public admissions of German guilt from 1945 to 1947 have to be interpreted in light of his insistence on the victimhood of the Germans. The talk will situate the problematic nature of Niemöller’s post-war statements on the Holocaust in the wider Protestant discourse on German guilt and remembrance.

Benjamin Ziemann is Professor of Modern German History at the University of Sheffield. He is the author of six books, including Contested Commemorations. Republican War Veterans and Weimar Political Culture (2013) and Violence and the German Soldier in the Great War: Killing-Dying-Surviving (2017). His latest monograph is the award-winning book Hitler’s Personal Prisoner. The Life of Martin Niemöller, Oxford 2024


Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 Virtual Panel: Responses of “Ordinary People” to Persecution

Date and time: 30 January 2023, 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Location: Online

The Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the Wiener Holocaust Library in London, and the Institute for the History of the German Jews in Hamburg are pleased to co-host a virtual panel discussion for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023. The event is organised in response to the 2023 HMD theme of ‘ordinary people’, which acknowledges that genocide is both facilitated and experienced by ordinary people. This panel of speakers highlights new thinking and research about this theme, considering how Jewish persecutees responded to the Nazi onslaught in the Warsaw ghetto and about the various forms of protest and solidarity by “ordinary” Jews from Poland for Jews from Germany.

You can find out more about this event


German Jews fleeing Nazi Persecution: Trauma, Privilege, and Adventure in the 'Orient'

The Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies 2022 Holocaust Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Professor Atina Grossmann (Cooper Union, New York).

  • 31 January 2022, 5.30pm
  • Online via Zoom
  • This lecture is free and open to all

International Women’s Day Book Talk: Anna Hájková: Women in Theresienstadt: A New History of Gender and the Holocaust 

Organised by the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

  • 8 March, 5.30 pm
  • The event will be a hybrid format - see below for booking

On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Leicester is hosting a Hybrid Book Talk given by Anna Hájková on 'Women in Theresienstadt: A New History of Gender and the Holocaust'.

Terezín, as it was known in Czech, or Theresienstadt, as it was known in German, was operated by the Nazis between November 1941 and May 1945 as a transit ghetto for Central and Western European Jews before their deportation for murder in the East. Today, Theresienstadt is best known for the Nazi propaganda of the International Red Cross visit, cultural life, and children. But these aspects explain little what defined the lives of its 140,000 inmates. The Last Ghetto offers both a modern history of this Central European ghetto and the first in-depth analytical history of a prison society during the Holocaust.

Gender was one of the most important categories of the inmate society in Terezín. The ways people understood belonging, propriety, and kinship was profoundly gendered. Over the past twenty years, questions about women and the Holocaust have become the most inspirational for Holocaust studies. On the International Women’s Day, Anna Hájková will offer insights on the experience and coping strategies of women in Theresienstadt prisoner society.


The event will be a hybrid format. If you register, details on the 'on campus' venue at the University of Leicester and the link to join online will be sent to you a few days prior to the event.

Book the event via Eventbrite.

If you have any questions regarding the event, you can email us at

About the speaker

Dr Anna Hájková is Associate Professor of Modern Continental European History at the University of Warwick. Her first book, The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt, was published in 2020 by Oxford University Press. Her article “Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide“ was awarded the Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship in 2013. She is working on two projects: a generational history of Communists in Central Europe, 1930-1970, and a study of transgressive sexuality in the Holocaust, as part of which she is writing a book on a Neuengamme guard and queer Holocaust history. Her work on queer history of the Holocaust has been published in Czech, German, British, US, and Israeli newspapers. She guest edited a special issue of German History on Holocaust, Sexuality, Stigma.


'Migration, Memory and the Visual Arts' Symposium

Keynote speaker: Dr Glenn Sujo (author and curator of Legacies of Silence: The Visual Arts and Holocaust Memory, Imperial War Museum)
Respondent: Monica Bohm-Duchen (Insiders/Outsiders Festival)
Date: 7 May 2021
Time: 9.15am - 5.35pm
Venue: Online event

The symposium is open to all and free to attend. The event will take place on Microsoft Teams and the joining link will be sent out two days before the event. Registration is essential please visit EventBrite to book your free ticket.

For questions, please contact the organisers: Imogen Wiltshire ( and Fransiska Louwagie (

Fascist Italy's Mediterranean Empire: from concepts to practices

Keynote speaker:  Paolo Fonzi (University of Eatern Piedmont)
Respondent: David Rodogno (Geneva Graduate Institute)
Date: 26-27 May 2021
Download PDF of full programme. (PDF, 220kb)


Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture
"Unaccompanied Children": The International Tracing Service's Child Search Branch, 1945-1950

Tuesday 28 January 2020
Given by Professor Dan Stone (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Dissent and Displacement Public Seminar Series

16 February – 25 March 2020

Lived and Imagined Histories: Some Thoughts on the Work of First and Second Generation (Jewish) Visual Artists

16 February 2020
Given by Monica Bohm-Duchen

Emigration, Displacement, and Art: Testimonies from the AJR Refugee Voices Archive

4 March 2020
Given by Dr Bea Lewkowicz

Second Generation: A Graphic Novel on Fathers and Sons after the Holocaust

Panel discussion: History and Memory of the Kindertransport - Event Postponed

12 March 2020
Given by Michel Kichka

Panel discussion: History and Memory of the Kindertransport - Event Postponed

25 March 2020

Conference: Migration, Memory and the Visual Arts: Second-Generation Jewish Artists in the UK

22 May 2020
University of Leicester
Confirmed keynote speaker: Dr Glenn Sujo (author and curator of Legacies, of Silence: The Visual Arts and Holocaust Memory, Imperial War Museum)

Symposium Call for Papers

While the work of refugee artists who fled to Britain in the 1930s and 1940s has received critical art historical and public attention, comparatively little focus has been given to how the experiences of the so-called second generation (i.e. children of Jewish refugees or Holocaust survivors) have been explored and represented in the visual arts.

Bringing together artists and scholars from the fields of art history, memory and migration studies, this symposium sets a new interdisciplinary research agenda by looking at how second-generation Jewish artists have engaged with the Holocaust, the first-generation experience, migration and questions of identity. We seek to investigate how subjects and themes relating to the second-generation experience, including displacement and (dis)belonging and the intergenerational transmission of memory, have been examined and mediated through visual means in art (painting, drawing, sculpture, print-making, installations, photography and other lens-based media). We also look to explore the specificities of the context in Britain where focus on the second-generation experience has been relatively slow to emerge.

We invite proposals for 20-minute papers that examine (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • The exploration of inherited memory, subjectivity and identity in the artwork of second-generation artists
  • The relationships between the visual arts and memory studies, through concepts such as post-memory (Marianne Hirsch) or prosthetic memory (Alison Landsberg)
  • The interactions and tensions between public and private memory in visual representation
  • The role of genres such as landscape and portraiture in representing second-generation conceptions of home and (continental) heritage
  • The function and use of archival material, photographs and survivor voices by artists to present or refer to the experiences of the first generation
  • The role of memory tourism and genealogy as key topoi of the post-memory experience and the work of second-generation artists
  • The connections between the artwork of second-generation Jewish artists and contemporary refugee and diasporic experiences.

Please send an abstract (300 words) for a 20-minute paper and a short biography (200 words) to Imogen Wiltshire and Fransiska Louwagie by 23 February 2020. Notification of acceptance will be given by 6 March 2020.

We would like to encourage artists and scholars at all career stages to submit a proposal. The event is generously supported by the Association for Art History (AAH), the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the School of Arts at the University of Leicester. We are able to offer a limited number of travel bursaries for early-career researchers to speak at the symposium. The registration fee (£20 or reduced fee of £10) includes lunch and refreshments.


Digging in Boxes and Albums. German-Jewish Photographs 1890-1960

12 December 2018
Given by Dr Sylvia Necker (University of Nottingham).

The natural environments of the German far right. On ladybirds, climate change and the Holocaust

5 December 2018
Given by Dr Bernard Forchtner (School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester).

Never forget? the Holocaust and British communist antifascism,1945-51

27 November 2018
Given by Joshua Cohen.

Anything But Genocide: The Inherent Problems of Genocide Scholarship within the Ancient World

19 November 2018
Given by Richard Evan (Archaeology and Ancient History Department, University of Leicester).


Research seminar ‘Photographs from the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust&rsquo

7 December 2017
Given by Tanja Kinzel from the Free University of Berlin.

What we do not talk about: Jewish survivors and their rescuers in Poland during the Holocaust

7 November 2017
Annual Aubrey Newman Lecture: Delivered by Dr Joanna Beata Michlic, UCL.

The forgotten. The Holocaust in Rostov/Don

11 August 2017
Exhibition Launch: Curator Christina Winkler launched our new exhibition.



6 July 2016
Historians pay tribute following death of Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel.

Reporting sexual violence in DRC

4 May 2016
Film screening and talk with Belgian journalist Colette Braeckman. Organised by Simon Lambert, Fransiska Louwagie and Sarah Ehlers, in collaboration with Modern Languages at Leicester, the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the Centre for Medical Humanities. With the generous support of Wallonia-Brussels International.

Across the seasons: Memory matters today

January-March 2016
Dr Fransiska Louwagie and Dr Caroline Sharples run a drama and research educational projects with 4 schools in Leicester and Preston, in collaboration with CCM Theatre. The project is funded by a grant from the Toni Schiff Memorial Fund.


Capitalism from below. Urban real estate markets and homeownership in Europe around 1900

4 March 2015
Joint seminar from the Centre for Urban History and the Stanley Burton Centre: Professor Alexander Nützenadel (Humboldt University Berlin). Introduced by Professor Simon Gunn and Dr Alexander Korb.

Why did they kill? Revisiting the Holocaust perpetrators

26 January 2015
Annual Aubrey Newman Lecture: Delivered by Professor Christopher Browning, University of North Carolina.

France, Vichy and me

20-21 January 2015
Dr Fransiska Louwagie co-organises an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together world-famous scholars at Queen's University Belfast.


'Irmina' a collaborative graphic novel

11 November 2014
Alex Korb presents 'Irmina' a collaborative graphic novel at the Literaturhaus, Munich on 7 November and at the ExRotaprint Projektraum, Berlin on the 11 November 2014.

Ruth David

11 November 2014
Holocaust survivor Ruth David speaks at the Friends Meeting House.

Dradio Kultur

28 August 2014
Interview with Alexander Korb in Dradio Kultur.

The rescue of Jews in Western Europe during the Holocaust: The local, the national and the transnational

7 July 2014
Fransiska Louwagie participates in the one-day workshop at Queen Mary University London.

Irina Marin awarded the George Gerbner Excellence Award

May 2014
Irina Marin has been awarded the George Gerbner Excellence Award for the best paper at The George Gerbner Conference on communication, conflict and aggression - Budapest College of Communication and Business.

Himmler's Supranational militia: Indigenous participation in SS- and police units

28-30 May 2014
Alexander Korb presents at conference, University of Toruń.

Can living through Genocide lead to positive change? Rwandan women's stories of strength, recovery and post-traumatic growth

28 May 2014
Rwanda Remembered seminar series: Dr Caroline Williamson, University of Nottingham presents. Her paper is followed by 'Spring Forward', an original theatre performance by CCM Theatre concluding the seminar series.

The Expressionist Ludwig Meidner - Exile, creativity and Holocaust awareness

14 May 2014
Annual Aubrey Newman Lecture: Delivered by Dr Shulamith Behr, Honorary Research Fellow, Courtauld Institute of Art, London.

Non-German perpetrators' violence during WWII

7 May 2014
Alexander Korb discussed non-German perpetrators' violence during WWII at the University of Freiburg.

Biographies workshop

25 April 2014
Alex Korb presents on a biographies workshop on "Der Tatkreis in der Nachkriegszeit."

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs

April 2014
Alexander Korb's book Im Schatten des Welkriegs is reviewed in Fascism and in Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung.

International symposium

23 March 2014
Alex Korb presents at an international symposium on the Holocaust in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris.

Holocaust Awareness Week

24-27 March 2014

Contested Frontiers

March 2014
Irina Marin's book Contested Frontiers has been reviewed on H-Soz-Kult.

Photographing Rwanda: Agency and identity in images of Genocide and its aftermath

5 March 2014
Rwanda Remembered seminar series: Dr Zoe Norridge, King's College, London.

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs

21 February 2014
Alexander Korb discusses his book Im Schatten des Weltkriegs at the Centre de recherches historiques, Paris.

Anti-social capital: An investigation into who killed and who did not in Rwanda's Genocide

11 February 2014
Rwanda Remembered seminar series: Dr Omar McDoom, LSE.

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs

February 2014
Alexander Korb's book Im Schatten des Weltkriegs has been reviewed in Italia Contemporanea.

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs

11 February 2014
Alexander Korb presents his book Im Schatten des Weltkriegs at the Gesellschaft für Faschismus- und Weltkriegsforschung.

The Balkans as Europe

1-2 February 2014
Alexander Korb participates in the workshop "The Balkans as Europe" at the IWM Vienna.

The Rwandan Genocide: A tragedy foretold that nobody believed

28 January 2014
The Rwanda Remembered seminar series launches with a paper by Belgian journalist Colette Braeckman.

The journey after and the journey ahead

28 January 2014
Martin Stern: A Holocaust journey and Genocide education. Kemal Pervanic: Bosnian genocide and its denial: An uncertain journey ahead of us'.

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs

15 January 2014
Alexander Korb presents his book Im Schatten des Weltkriegs at Lhotzkys Literaturbuffet, in Vienna.


Austrian Academy of Sciences

12 December 2013
Alexander Korb presents at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Do they occasionally arrest an industrialist?' Class, Volksgemeinschaft, and popular opinion on the Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany

11 December 2013
Dr Paul Moore presents a paper at the Institute of Historical Research, London.

In the shadow of Genocide. Roma/Sinti in Europe

3 December 2013
Alexander Korb presents at the symposium.

Making the dead speak: on the Lanzmann-Haenel controversy

27 November 2013
Modern Languages Seminar Series, in collaboration with the Stanley Burton Centre: Dr Manuel Braganca (Queen's University) presents her paper.

Britain and the Holocaust - Remembering and representing war and Genocide

27 November 2013
Now published: Caroline Sharples; Olaf Jensen (eds.), Britain and the Holocaust - Remembering and Representing War and Genocide (The Holocaust and its Contexts Series) (Palgrave, 2013).

Bruno Kreisky Forum, Vienna

20 November 2013
Alexander Korb discuss the longue durée of the history of mass violence on the Balkans.

Ordinary Germans and the Nazi camps, 1933-1945

14 November 2013
Dr Paul Moore talk, University of Leicester.

Humanities International

October 2013
Alexander Korb was awarded the prize Humanities International.

Institute for Social Research, Hamberg

30 October 2013
Alexander Korb and other authors  discuss new directions in researching mass violence.

The Axis States

24 October 2013
Alexander Korb moderates a panel at the conference: 'White Spots: Persecution of Roma in Central and Eastern Europe during WWII' in Berlin.

Embedded in a culture of violence? Siegfried Kasche (1903–1947), SA leader and ambassador

6 October 2013
Alexander Korb gives a paper at the GSA in Denver.

Representations and perceptions. War in propaganda, novel, and public display after WWI

4 October 2013
Alexander Korb gives a comment at the GSA in Denver.

Dr Paul Moore

September 2013
Dr Paul Moore joins the Stanley Burton Centre as Lecturer in Modern European History.

Rediscovering Piotr Rawicz’s Holocaust novel 'Blood from the Sky'

25 September 2013
Book launch at the Wiener Library, London. Anny Dayan Rosenman and Fransiska Louwagie (eds).

Racial segregation

20 September 2013
Alexander Korb gives a talk at a workshop on racial segregation, Hannah Arendt Institute Dresden.

Harbour Front Literary Festival, Hamburg

18 September 2013
Alexander Korb presents his recent book.

International symposium, Oslo

7 September 2013
Alex Korb discusses the genocide against the Roma on the Balkans during WWII at the international symposium, Oslo.

Ordinary people as mass murderers- perpetrators in comparative perspectives

September 2013
The volume (Palgrave 2008), edited by Olaf Jensen and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann, is now available as paperback.

Holocaust in Yugoslavia

27 June 2013
Alex Korb presents at a workshop on the Holocaust in Yugoslavia in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Conference.

Dr Alexander Korb

6 June 2013
Dr Alexander Korb: Buchvorstellung "Im Schatten des Weltkriegs. Massengewalt der Ustascha gegen Serben, Juden und Roma in Kroatien 1941-1945" (Saarbrücken).

Dr Alexander Korb in conversation with Professor Michael Wildt

4 June 2013
Book launch at the Topography of Terror Foundation in Berlin.

Dr Fransiska Louwagie and Anny Dayan Rosenman

2 June 2013, 2.30pm
Book launch at the Holocaust Memorial in Paris: Un ciel de sang et de cendres: Piotr Rawicz et la solitude du témoin (2013).

Dr Alexander Korb

29 May 2013
Dr Alexander Korb: 'Träumen vom neuen Europa". Visionen der kroatischen Ustaša für ein ethnisch homogenes Kroatien als Teil einer Neuen Ordnung', Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

The significance of geography in a civil war. Spatial dimensions of mass violence, the Balkans, 1941-45

27 May 2013
Dr Alexander Korb presents at the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) Workshop on Geography and Holocaust Research.

Gewalt in Kroatien 1941

15 May 2013, 5.30pm
Dr Alexander Korb gives a lecture at the University of Tuebingen, Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Wilhelmstr. 36 (Hegelbau).

Im Schatten des Weltkriegs. Massengewalt der Ustaša gegen Serben, Juden und Roma in Kroatien 1941–1945

13 May 2013
Book presentation by Dr Alexander Korb, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Grey zones and good Italians: The Holocaust and national character

8 May 2013
Annual Aubrey Newman Lecture: Professor Robert Gordon, Cambridge.

Dr Alexander Korb

April 2013
Dr Alex Korb gave an interview about the significance of 10 April 1941 and the history of violence in Europe.

Royal Historical Society Regional Symposium

March 2013
Held at the University of Leicester. Speakers included: Alexander Korb, Norman Housley and Ivo Banac. The Stanley Burton Centre and the History Society co-organised the Holocaust Awareness Week 11-14 March 2013, invited two Hungarian Holocaust survivors, John Dobai (London) and George Pogany (Netherlands), to give talks, and Dr Sarah Hodgkinson (Department of Criminology) to give a lecture on the subject of 'Dark Tourism - The concentration camp as a site of Holocaust Tourism?'


Irma Rosenberg Prize

30 November 2012
Alex Korb received the Irma-Rosenberg-Prize for his research in Holocaust History, Institute for Contemporary History, University of Vienna.

Robert Bosch Foundation grant

8-10 November 2012
Alex Korb and Philipp Ther were awarded a conference grant worth € 9,000 by the Robert Bosch Foundation for the SBC's Annual Conference on Ethnic Homogenisation in Southeastern Europe, 1912-2012, in Vienna, 8-10 November, 2012.

Herbert Steiner prize

7 November 2012
Alex Korb receives the Herbert Steiner prize, Vienna.

Croatia, 1941-45. A case of multi-directional mass violence

3 November 2012
Alex Korb presents at the XIIth Lessons & Legacies Conference in Evanston, IL.

Andrej Mitrović prize

September 2012
Alex Korb was awarded the Andrej Mitrović prize of the Zikic foundation for his book manuscript on mass violence in Croatia during WWII.

German Verdienstkreuz

13 September 2012
Ruth David was awarded the German Verdienstkreuz at the German Embassy in London for her dedication and commitment to peace and to confront the Holocaust. We welcome Ruth David as our new Honorary Associate Member of the Stanley Burton.

6th Centropa Summer Academy

17 July 2012
Alexander Korb gives a presentation at the 6th Centropa Summer Academy.

Colluquium of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena: The Ustaša 1929 - 1945

16 July 2012
Alexander Korb presents.

Pour un Inventaire des Mots Dd Temoignage et de la Memoire

4 July 2012
Olaf Jensen, Alexander Korb and Fransiska Louwagie present at a workshop held by the Auschwitz Foundation in Brussels.

Axis reactions towards early Ustasha mass violence

28 June 2012
Alexander Korb gives a presentation at the conference Što se u istinu dogodilo u Glinskoj Srpskopravoslavnoj Crkvi između 29/30. Srpnja i 4/5. Kolovoza 1941.: Svedočanstva i kultura sjećanja at University of Zagreb.

The Holocaust masterclass

16 March 2012
A masterclass for Year 12 students, offered by the School for Historical Studies.

Night and fog: Nazi Concentration Camps caught on film

2 March 2012, 5.00pm, New History Lab
Dr Olaf Jensen presents.

Khojaly - A legal analysis

27 February 2012
The School of Law hosts a lecture introducing their new research project providing an assessment of the massacre at Khojaly in 1992, which Armenia and Azerbaijan still hotly debate over whether it was a massacre or not. The lecture will introduce the main aspects of the project and the academic challenges they are likely to encounter.

One-day workshop at the Wiener Library, London

10 February 2012
Dr Alex Korb presents a paper on 'The Balkans: How the 'Final Solution' was intertwined with local forms of violence' at a one-day workshop on 'The Wannsee Conference: new views from Berlin, the Baltic and the Balkans' at the Wiener Library, London.

Fraenkel prize lecture

19 January 2012
Dr Alexander Korb presents his work, 'In the Shadow of the World War. Mass violence by the Ustaša against Serbs, Jews and Roma in Croatia, 1941-45', at the Wiener Library.

International Holocaust archive to be available in the UK for the first time


14 December 2011
After supporting a long campaign, SBC Director Olaf Jensen was invited to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the official arrival of the UK copy of the International Tracing Service (ITS) archive, to be hosted at the Wiener Library, London.

Ethnic homogenization in Europe 1941-1949: Rethinking the gap between Fascism and Communism

7 December 2011
Alexander Korb gives a guest lecture at the Centre for the Study of Wider Europe at NUI Maynooth.

Provincializing WWII – non-German perpetrators during the Holocaust

6 December 2011
Alex Korb gives a talk at the MA seminar, History department, National University of Ireland at Maynooth.

Rethinking modern Europe seminar at the IHR London

23 November 2011
Alex Korb and Mary Vincent (Sheffield): The Spanish Falange and the Croatian Ustasha - comparative perspectives (Chair: Christian Goeschel).

Fascism on the periphery

17 November 2011
Alexander Korb gives a talk on 'Croatia - The Militia State (1941–45)' at a conference on fascism in northern, east-central and south-eastern Europe at the Hugo Valentin Centre in Uppsala.

Politics after the Holocaust: Arendt in America

9 November 2011
Richard King (University of Nottingham) gives a talk at the School Seminar Series, jointly organised by the Stanley Burton Centre and the Centre for American Studies.

Holocaust Awareness Week

24-27 October 2011
The Stanley Burton Centre hosts the Holocaust Awareness Week at the University of Leicester which included talks by Holocaust survivors Ruth David (Leicester) and Imre Rochlitz (London), and a lecture by Professor David Cesarani (Royal Holloway, London).

A contextual view of Genocidal intent

22-23 September 2011
International and interdisciplinary conference on Genocidal intent, hosted in collaboration with the School of Law.

Proving Genocidal intent: Is it really so difficult?

21 September 2011
Annual Aubrey Newman Lecture: Professor William A. Schabas, University of Middlesex.

Reporting the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish press, 1945-50

July 2011
Antero Holmila: Vol. III in the book series 'The Holocaust and its Contexts' (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).

Germany, the ‘World Champion’ of coming to terms with a troubled past?

7 July 2011
Olaf Jensen gives the Key Note lecture at the 50th Anniversary of Aktion Suehnezeichen Friedensdienste (Action Reconciliation Service for Peace), Coventry Cathedral.

'Of course, they didn’t live a moment longer – WWII and the Holocaust in German family memory

6 July 2011
Presentation by Olaf Jensen at the Oral History Day, East Midlands Oral History Archive.

Confronting the Holocaust

23 March 2011
Lecture and discussion with film director and producer Rex Bloomstein ('KZ', 2005, and others). Hosted in collaboration with the Department of Criminology.

Public lecture and seminar with Holocaust survivor Dr Martin Stern

22 March 2011


Oral history archive acquired

2010 The Stanley Burton Centre has acquired the oral history archive Refugee Voices from the Association for Jewish Refugees (AJR, London), containing 150 audio-visual interviews with former refugees from Nazi Germany now living in Britain (Licensed by kind permission of the Association of Jewish Refugees).


'The Universal Hero: Raoul Wallenberg', public talk by Tanja Schult, Stockholm University

25 June 2009
Presentation of the book series 'The Holocaust and its Contexts' and introduction to lecture by Olaf Jensen, Wiener Library, London.

The Historical importance of oral testimony

18 June 2009
Invited paper by Olaf Jensen at the Wiener Library, London at the launch of the 'Refugee Voices Oral History Archive'.

'One goes left to the Russians, the other goes right to the Americans' – Family recollections of the Holocaust in Europe

23 May 2009
Paper given by Olaf Jensen at the ‘Legacy of the Holocaust’ Conference, Jaggiellonian University Krakow.

Tanja Schult, A hero's many faces. Raoul Wallenberg in contemporary monuments

April 2009
Vol. II in the book series 'The Holocaust and its Contexts' (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).


Ordinary people as mass murderers. Perpetrators in comparative perspectives

November 2008
First volume in the new book series 'The Holocaust and its Contexts' (Palgrave Macmillan), edited by Olaf Jensen and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann.


27 October 2008
The Stanley Burton Centre mourns the death of Derek Downey on 27 October 2008


23 August 2008
The Stanley Burton Centre mourns the death of Audrey Burton on 23 August 2008.

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