Workers rights How UK workers benefit from the EU
With enough newspaper coverage to paper Buckingham Palace, you'd be forgiven for thinking that all aspects of the EU Referendum had already been covered.
Our exceptional learning resources and facilities are designed to develop students’ knowledge, skills and confidence. Our cutting-edge, £42 million George Davies Centre is a collaborative hub for staff and students across the College of Life Sciences.
Core Biotechnology Services provides a range of equipment and support across a number of facilities, including: advanced imaging, preclinical imaging and electron microscopy.
Advanced Applied Psychology
Module code: PS3119 This module is designed to explore how research is conducted by psychologists in the ‘real-world’, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods and statistical techniques.
Advanced Applied Psychology
Module code: PS3119 This module is designed to explore how research is conducted by psychologists in the ‘real-world’, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods and statistical techniques.
Advanced Applied Psychology
Module code: PS3119 This module is designed to explore how research is conducted by psychologists in the ‘real-world’, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods and statistical techniques.
Leicester researchers work with dogs to sniff out chemicals that identify human remains
Researchers from our University are working with police forces in the UK to improve the accuracy of police dogs in identifying human remains in criminal investigations.
Perceiving the Past
Module code: HS2401 ‘History is one damn thing after another’ (Alfred Toynbee attrib.
Perceiving the Past
Module code: HS2401 ‘History is one damn thing after another’ (Alfred Toynbee attrib.
Perceiving the Past
Module code: HS2401 ‘History is one damn thing after another’ (Alfred Toynbee attrib.