
13040 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Green Party leader to speak at Careers event

    The leader of the Green Party Natalie Bennett will be speaking to and meeting a number of students at an event on Wednesday 24 February.

  • New astronomical brand campaign for Leicester invites potential students to launch yourself

    We have launched our first major brand and recruitment campaign.

  • Research degrees

    The Department of Respiratory Sciences (formerly Infection, Immunity and Inflammation) at the University of Leicester offers excellent facilities for postgraduate research leading to a PhD. Find out about our research interests and studentships.

  • Introducing Exciting Guest Bloggers. By Emma Battell Lowman

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on July 21, 2016 Here at the Power of the Criminal Corpse blog, it has been a great year.

  • Islam: Religion or Politics?

    Posted by Alberto Fernández Carbajal in Queering Islam on November 25, 2014 Lately, I have been reading the work of Timothy Fitzgerald (University of Stirling, UK), a leading scholar of religion, particularly his thought-provoking book  Discourse on Civility...

  • Announcing the Carceral Archipelago Conference Call for Papers

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in Carceral Archipelago on June 3, 2014   We are excited to open the Call For Papers (CFP) for the Carceral Archipelago’s upcoming international conference, The Carceral Archipelago: Transnational Circulations in Global Perspective,...

  • RNA studies advance holds out hope for cancer drug development

    An international research team led by our University has made a breakthrough advance that could pave a new route for the development of anti-cancer drugs.

  • Leading Hillsborough researcher and campaigner on the power of dissenting voices

    Professor Phil Scraton will deliver the annual University of Leicester Scarman Lecture on Wednesday 26 September

  • Mollusc invaders in the Thames – a mark of the Anthropocene

    In the last few decades, the life of London’s River Thames has been transformed.

  • Dr Paul Campbell appointed Director of Leicester’s new Institute for Inclusivity

    Dr Paul Campbell has been appointed as the Director of the Leicester Institute for Inclusivity in Higher Education (LIIHE), an interdisciplinary research institute that will seek to lead a transformation in higher education through innovative research new.

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