University of Leicester media students join forces with NHS to produce a film for local mental health services
Students from University of Leicester have teamed up with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) to produce a film that introduces local children and young people to specialist mental health services.
‘Closing the Gender Pay gap would take 95 years’
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on February 24, 2017 Across OECD nations at current rates of progress according to the latest PWC Women in work report.
New analysis reveals the brutal history of the Winchcombe meteorite’s journey through space
Famous meteorite undergoes scientific analysis, including advanced electron microscopy at University of Leicester, providing insight into the meteorite’s journey through space to Earth
Happy World Digital Preservation Day 2018!
Posted by vholmes in Library Special Collections on November 29, 2018 I seem to be blogging on a theme of particular days here so far – but in case you hadn’t already guessed from the title,...
Nadjim Horri
The academic profile of Dr Nadjim Horri, Lecturer in aerospace engineering at University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 136
Academic Librarian.
Free language taster sessions from Languages at Leicester
A long-running language learning programme offering over a dozen languages is offering members of the public the opportunity to try a new language for free.
Fahad Sadah
The University has learned with sadness of the death of one of our undergraduate students, Fahad Sadah. Fahad joined the University family in 2017, studying on the MComp in Computer Science.
Information for...
Relevant information for our different types of students, including distance learners, professional learners, mature students and study abroad or Erasmus students.
Feeding the Machine
Victoria Szafara, University staff member has entered a piece entitled 'Feeding the Machine'.