Computational Fluid Dynamics

Module code: EG7029

This module starts with an overview of the flow governing equations applicable to incompressible and compressible flows, which are solved in a computational fluid dynamics scheme. This forms a firm basis from which to address current numerical techniques and turbulence modelling.

The focus of this module then turns to numerical simulation methods that are widely used in both academia and in industry. Widely used turbulence modelling methods are discussed and their relative strengths and weaknesses for differing flow types are outlined. Unsteady methods are also covered, with emphasis placed on sub-grid scale modelling and grid resolution requirements. Numerical stability and discretisation issues are outlined for common schemes. The OpenMP and MPI parallelisation approaches are discussed along with their practical limitations.

The module lectures are supported through the Blackboard virtual learning environment. Example sheet questions are provided at appropriate intervals during the module.

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