
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Writing Prose Fiction

    Module code: EN3174 This module offers a practical introduction to writing prose fiction, with a particular (though not an exclusive) focus on the short story.

  • Writing Prose Fiction

    Module code: EN3174 This module offers a practical introduction to writing prose fiction, with a particular (though not an exclusive) focus on the short story.

  • Studying Language

    Module code: EN1036 This module will focus on contemporary aspects of how language is used in different contexts, including how language relates to personal identity (such as regional location), different modes of communication (spoken, written and computer-mediated...

  • Developing Effective and Inclusive Practice

    Module code: ED7428 In this module you will explore the relationship between your own practice and a variety of theoretical perspectives on inclusion, effective practices and barriers to pedagogy, learning and teaching theories and different types of differentiation.

  • Introduction to Economic Data Analysis

    Module code: EC1009 During this module you will enhance your statistical analysis skills gained from Statistics for Economics and start to write up the results you calculated from a data-analysis report.

  • Developing Effective and Inclusive Practice

    Module code: ED7428 In this module you will explore the relationship between your own practice and a variety of theoretical perspectives on inclusion, effective practices and barriers to pedagogy, learning and teaching theories and different types of differentiation.

  • Introduction to Economic Data Analysis

    Module code: EC1009 During this module you will enhance your statistical analysis skills gained from Statistics for Economists I and start to write up the results you calculated from a data-analysis report.

  • Tiffany Barry

    The academic profile of Dr Tiffany Barry, Associate Professor in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at University of Leicester

  • Carbon monitoring mission using Leicester expertise ready for launch

    National Centre for Earth Observation scientists based at University of Leicester and University of Edinburgh are leading the UK science for European mission MicroCarb, which has completed assembly and qualification in the UK.

  • Planning permission granted for Phase 1 of Space Park Leicester

    AFbzZpN40rQ|A new purpose built Space Park in Leicester has just received planning permission approval for the first phase of construction. The £100 million Park will create a world leading hub for space and space-enabled industries to flourish.

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