#SocialHistoryAssociationAnnualConference2016. By Emma Battell Lowman
Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on April 19, 2016 In late March 2016, the Social History Association (SHA) met for its annual conference .
Keele University
A page describing the collections from Keele University that the UOSH Midlands Hub preserved.
Conversations with… Dr Simon Vaughan
Posted by ejb71 in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 8 October 2020 Dr Simon Vaughan is an Associate Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy, as well as being one of the two Academic Directors of the School, written by Emily Baldwin.
International Womens Day universities must work together to tackle inequality
This week we are celebrating International Women’s Day 2017, with universities across the world hosting events.
Kazakh students celebrate independence
Kazakh students from the University of Leicester have taken part in a charity football tournament at Wembley. Wearing University of Leicester and Leicester City emblems, the students were marking the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence.
Leicester fosters future biomedical research talent
The University is making a substantial investment into a critical mass of future biomedical research talent by announcing 27 new PhD studentships that will tackle some of the world’s most pressing and bioscience health issues.
Difficult Conversations
University of Leicester marks its centenary with a series of thought-provoking and informative talks by academics and guest speakers.
Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Team helps on farm, adopts sheep
For their team away day this week, the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team volunteered at Gorse Hill City Farm.
Find out more about Parent Report of Children's Abilities (PARCA-R) at the University of Leicester.
Space instrument gets good vibrations in major step for solar wind mission
A cutting-edge x-ray telescope has shaken off a University of Leicester test that put it through the rigours of being launched into space.